NostrRelays class

This class is responsible for all the relays related operations.

Implemented types


NostrRelays({required NostrClientUtils utils})
This class is responsible for all the relays related operations.


eventsRegistry Map<String, NostrEvent>
Represents a registry of all events you received from all relays so far.
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
nostrRegistry NostrRegistry
This is responsible for registering and retrieving relays WebSockets that are connected to the app.
relaysList List<String>?
The list of relays urls that you did registered with the init method.
getter/setter pairoverride
relaysWebSocketsRegistry Map<String, WebSocketChannel>
Represents a registry of all relays that you did registered with the init method.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
streamsController NostrStreamsControllers
A service that manages the relays streams messages
utils NostrClientUtils
webSocketsService NostrWebSocketsService
A service that manages the relays web sockets connections


closeEventsSubscription(String subscriptionId, [String? relay]) → void
This method will close the subscription of the subscriptionId that you passed to it.
disconnectFromRelays({int closeCode(String relayUrl)?, String closeReason(String relayUrl)?, void onRelayDisconnect(String relayUrl, WebSocketChannel relayWebSOcket, dynamic webSocketDisconnectionMessage)?}) Future<bool>
freeAllResources([bool throwOnFailure = false]) Future<bool>
init({required List<String> relaysUrl, void onRelayListening(String relayUrl, dynamic receivedData, WebSocketChannel? relayWebSocket)?, void onRelayConnectionError(String relayUrl, Object? error, WebSocketChannel? relayWebSocket)?, void onRelayConnectionDone(String relayUrl, WebSocketChannel? relayWebSocket)?, bool lazyListeningToRelays = false, bool retryOnError = false, bool retryOnClose = false, bool ensureToClearRegistriesBeforeStarting = true, bool ignoreConnectionException = true, bool shouldReconnectToRelayOnNotice = false, Duration connectionTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 5)}) Future<void>
This method is responsible for initializing the connection to all relays. It takes a List<String> of relays urls, then it connects to each relay and registers it for future use, if relayUrl is empty, it will throw an AssertionError since it doesn't make sense to connect to an empty list of relays.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reconnectToRelays({required void onRelayListening(String relayUrl, dynamic receivedData, WebSocketChannel? relayWebSocket)?, required void onRelayConnectionError(String relayUrl, Object? error, WebSocketChannel? relayWebSocket)?, required void onRelayConnectionDone(String relayUrl, WebSocketChannel? relayWebSocket)?, required bool retryOnError, required bool retryOnClose, required bool shouldReconnectToRelayOnNotice, required Duration connectionTimeout, required bool ignoreConnectionException, required bool lazyListeningToRelays, bool relayUnregistered = true}) Future<void>
relayInformationsDocumentNip11({required String relayUrl, bool throwExceptionIfExists = true}) Future<RelayInformations?>
Ths method will get you RelayInformations that contains the given relayUrl using the NIP11 implementation.
sendCountEventToRelays(NostrCountEvent countEvent, {required void onCountResponse(String relay, NostrCountResponse countResponse)}) → void
sendCountEventToRelaysAsync(NostrCountEvent countEvent, {required Duration timeout}) Future<NostrCountResponse>
sendEventToRelays(NostrEvent event, {void onOk(String relay, NostrEventOkCommand ok)?}) → void
This method is responsible for sending an event to all relays that you did registered with the init method.
sendEventToRelaysAsync(NostrEvent event, {required Duration timeout}) Future<NostrEventOkCommand>
This method is responsible for sending an event to all relays that you did registered with the init method, and gets you a Future of NostrEventOkCommand that will be triggered when the event is accepted by the relays.
startEventsSubscription({required NostrRequest request, void onEose(String relay, NostrRequestEoseCommand ease)?, bool useConsistentSubscriptionIdBasedOnRequestData = false}) NostrEventsStream
This method will send a request to all relays that you did registered with the init method, and gets your a Stream of NostrEvents that will be filtered by the request's subscriptionId automatically.
startEventsSubscriptionAsync({required NostrRequest request, required Duration timeout, void onEose(String relay, NostrRequestEoseCommand ease)?, bool useConsistentSubscriptionIdBasedOnRequestData = false, bool shouldThrowErrorOnTimeoutWithoutEose = true}) Future<List<NostrEvent>>
Retuens a Future of List<NostrEvent> that will be triggered when the onEose callback is triggered of the subscription created by your request.
startListeningToRelay({required String relay, required void onRelayListening(String relayUrl, dynamic receivedData, WebSocketChannel? relayWebSocket)?, required void onRelayConnectionError(String relayUrl, Object? error, WebSocketChannel? relayWebSocket)?, required void onRelayConnectionDone(String relayUrl, WebSocketChannel? relayWebSocket)?, required bool retryOnError, required bool retryOnClose, required bool shouldReconnectToRelayOnNotice, required Duration connectionTimeout, required bool ignoreConnectionException, required bool lazyListeningToRelays, void onNoticeMessageFromRelay(String relay, WebSocketChannel? relayWebSocket, NostrNotice notice)?}) → void
This method will start listening to all relays that you did registered with the init method.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.