NostrEvent.fromRelayMessage constructor

  1. String data

This represents a nostr event that is received from the relays, it takes directly the relay message which is serialized, and handles all internally


factory NostrEvent.fromRelayMessage(String data) {
  final decoded = jsonDecode(data) as List;

  final event = decoded.last as Map<String, dynamic>;
  return NostrEvent(
    id: event['id'] as String,
    kind: event['kind'] as int,
    content: event['content'] as String,
    sig: event['sig'] as String,
    pubkey: event['pubkey'] as String,
    createdAt: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
      event['created_at'] * 1000,
    tags: List<List<String>>.from((event['tags'] as List)
          (nestedElem) => (nestedElem as List)
                (nestedElemContent) => nestedElemContent.toString(),
    subscriptionId: decoded.length == 3 ? decoded[1] as String : null,
    ots: event['ots'] as String?,