connectRelay method
Connect a new relay
Future<bool> connectRelay(String url, {int connectTimeout=3}) async {
relays[url] = Relay(url);
relays[url]!.connecting = true;
webSockets[url] = await WebSocket.connect(url).timeout(Duration(seconds: connectTimeout)).onError((error, stackTrace) {
relays[url]!.connecting = false;
print("could not connect to relay $url error:$error");
throw Exception();
relays[url]!.connecting = false;
webSockets[url]!.listen((message) {
_handleIncommingMessage(message, url);
}, onError: (error) async {
/// todo: handle this better
throw Exception("Error in socket");
}, onDone: () {
/// todo: handle this better
if (isWebSocketOpen(url)) {
developer.log("connected to relay: $url");
return true;
return false;