fromBytes static method

Header fromBytes(
  1. Uint8List b

construct from bytes


static Header fromBytes(Uint8List b) {
  var str = utf8.decode(b);
  Map<String, String> m = {};
  var strList = str.split('\r\n');
  var version = strList[0];
  for (var h in strList) {
    /// values of headers can contain ':' so find the first index for the
    /// correct split index
    var splitIndex = h.indexOf(':');

    /// if the index is <= to 0 it means there was either no ':' or its the
    /// first character. In either case its not a valid header to split.
    if (splitIndex <= 0) {
    var key = h.substring(0, splitIndex);
    var value = h.substring(splitIndex + 1);
    m[key] = value;

  return Header(headers: m, version: version);