authenticateXBL function

Future<XboxToken> authenticateXBL(
  1. String msAccessToken

Authenticate with XBOX Live. This requires a previously acquired Microsoft Access Token. A Microsoft Access Token is acquired by following through the Microsoft Authentication Scheme. To be specific, this function requires the access_token from the endpoint.


Future<XboxToken> authenticateXBL(String msAccessToken) async {
  final headers = {
    'content-type': 'application/json',
    'accept': 'application/json',

  final response = await requestBody(,
        'Properties': {
          'AuthMethod': 'RPS',
          'SiteName': '',
          'RpsTicket': 'd=$msAccessToken',
        'RelyingParty': '',
        'TokenType': 'JWT'
      headers: headers);

  if (response.statusCode == 401) {
    throw AuthException('Microsoft token expired or is not correct');

  final map = parseResponseMap(response);
  String xstsToken = map['Token'];
  String userHash =
      map['DisplayClaims']['xui'][0]['uhs']; // Check if this value is valid?
  return XboxToken(xstsToken, userHash);