merkleProof function

List<Uint8List?>? merkleProof(
  1. List<Uint8List?> tree,
  2. Uint8List leaf

Make Merkle Proof


List<Uint8List?>? merkleProof(List<Uint8List?> tree, Uint8List leaf) {
  int index = => e.toString()).toList().indexOf(leaf.toString());

  // does the leaf node even exist [in the tree]?
  if (index == -1) return null;

  int n = tree.length;
  List<Uint8List?> nodes = [];

  // does the far right leaf bypass a layer?
  // determine hashable node count...
  int z = _treeWidth(n, 1);
  while (z > 0) {
    if (_treeNodeCount(z) == n) break;

  // XXX: not reach-able (AFAIK) but handled anyway
  if (z == 0) throw Exception('Unknown solution');

  int height = 0;
  int i = 0;
  while (i < n - 1) {
    int layerWidth = _treeWidth(z, height);

    int odd = index % 2;
    if (odd != 0) --index;

    int offset = i + index;
    Uint8List? left = tree[offset];
    Uint8List? right = index == (layerWidth - 1) ? left : tree[offset + 1];

    if (i > 0) {
      nodes.add(odd != 0 ? left : null);
      nodes.add(odd != 0 ? null : right);
    } else {

    index = (index / 2).truncate();
    i += layerWidth;

  nodes.add(tree[n - 1]);
  return nodes;