generateForAnnotatedElement method

  1. @override
FutureOr<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(
  1. Element element,
  2. ConstantReader annotation,
  3. BuildStep buildStep

Implement to return source code to generate for element.

This method is invoked based on finding elements annotated with an instance of T. The annotation is provided as a ConstantReader.

Supported return values include a single String or multiple String instances within an Iterable or Stream. It is also valid to return a Future of String, Iterable, or Stream.

Implementations should return null when no content is generated. Empty or whitespace-only String instances are also ignored.


FutureOr<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(Element element, ConstantReader annotation, BuildStep buildStep) async { 'Annotation Found', data: annotation.getName); 'Code Generation for Annotation Started');

  String code = ''; 'Main Code Generation Started...');
  String className = ?? 'UnnamedClass';
  List<Variable> variablesList = List<Variable>.empty(growable: true);
  ElementVisitor visitor = ElementVisitor();
  List<Element> fields = element.children.where((child) => child.kind == ElementKind.FIELD).toList();
  List<Element> constructors = element.children.where((child) => child.kind == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR).toList(); 'Generating Variables and Checking DartTypes...');
  for (var item in fields) {
    DartType? selectedVisitorField = visitor.fieldElements[];
    // code += selectedVisitorField == null ? '' : Prints.dartTypeInfo(selectedVisitorField);

    Variable variable = Variable(
      name: ?? Strings.unnamedVariable,
      type: selectedVisitorField,
      typeString: selectedVisitorField?.toString(),
      isCoreType: selectedVisitorField?.isDartCoreList == true ? selectedVisitorField?.isCoreTypeFromList : selectedVisitorField?.isCoreType,
      isFinal: item.declaration.toString().contains('final'),
      hasRequired: constructors.first.children.isEmpty ? null : constructors.first.children.firstWhere((e) => =='required '),
      isNullable: item.declaration?.toString().split(' ').first.contains('?'),
      isEnum: selectedVisitorField?.isEnum,
      isList: selectedVisitorField?.isDartCoreList,
  } 'Commenting Started');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('  This File is Generated by ${PackageAuthorInfo.packageNameDescription}');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('  [$className] Annotated with [${PackageAuthorInfo.annotationName}] with [${annotation.getName}] mode');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('  Including:');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('    Model Class, Entity Class and Mapper Class,');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('    Model Classes includes [toJson] and [fromJson] functions, and Entity Classes are not!');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('    Mappers will convert every filed in the class including [SubClasses], they should be annotated as well.');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine(
      '    [${PackageAuthorInfo.annotationName}] Annotation will generate all these fields for all Classes, so all subclasses should decorated with annotation to generate model, entity and mapper to use them here');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('    [Enums] also supported and they will be detected and count into account for mappers and also json conversion');
  annotation.getFreezed == true ? code += AddCode.addCommentLine('    Classes are decorated with [Freezed], other functions will generate with [Freezed]') : null;
  code += AddCode.addSpace();
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('  Details:');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('    Class: ${annotation.getAs ?? className}');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('    Constructors Count: ${constructors.length}');
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('    Variables Count: ${variablesList.length}');
  code += AddCode.addSpace(); 'Generating Classes (Model and Entity) for', data: className);
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('  ==> Model Class:');
  GeneratorData generatorData = GeneratorData(
    className: annotation.getAs ?? className,
    variablesList: variablesList,
    isFreezed: annotation.getFreezed,
    extended: annotation.getIsExtended,

  code += AddClass().generate(generatorData.copyWith(annotationType: AnnotationTypes.model));
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('  ==> Entity Class:');
  code += AddClass().generate(generatorData.copyWith(annotationType: AnnotationTypes.entity)); 'Generating Mapper Class for', data: className);
  code += AddCode.addCommentLine('  ==> Mapper Classes:');
  code += AddMapper().generate(generatorData); 'Completing Code Generation and Preparing Files...');
  return code;