mavCmdImageStartCapture top-level constant

MavCmd const mavCmdImageStartCapture

Start image capture sequence. CAMERA_IMAGE_CAPTURED must be emitted after each capture.

Param1 (id) may be used to specify the target camera: 0: all cameras, 1 to 6: autopilot-connected cameras, 7-255: MAVLink camera component ID. It is needed in order to target specific cameras connected to the autopilot, or specific sensors in a multi-sensor camera (neither of which have a distinct MAVLink component ID). It is also needed to specify the target camera in missions.

When used in a mission, an autopilot should execute the MAV_CMD for a specified local camera (param1 = 1-6), or resend it as a command if it is intended for a MAVLink camera (param1 = 7 - 255), setting the command's target_component as the param1 value (and setting param1 in the command to zero). If the param1 is 0 the autopilot should do both.

When sent in a command the target MAVLink address is set using target_component. If addressed specifically to an autopilot: param1 should be used in the same way as it is for missions (though command should NACK with MAV_RESULT_DENIED if a specified local camera does not exist). If addressed to a MAVLink camera, param 1 can be used to address all cameras (0), or to separately address 1 to 7 individual sensors. Other values should be NACKed with MAV_RESULT_DENIED. If the command is broadcast (target_component is 0) then param 1 should be set to 0 (any other value should be NACKED with MAV_RESULT_DENIED). An autopilot would trigger any local cameras and forward the command to all channels.



const MavCmd mavCmdImageStartCapture = 2000;