toNodes method

SourceFromLineList toNodes(
  1. Node transfer(
    1. SourceSpan span
    ), {
  2. bool trimLeft = false,
  3. bool trimLeading = false,
  4. bool trimTrailing = false,
  5. bool popLineEnding = false,

Converts a Line list to a AST Node list.

Set trimLeft to true to remove leading whitespaces of the each line.

Set trimLeading to true to remove leading whitespaces of the first line.

Set trimTrailing to true to remove trailing whitespaces of the last line(The line ending will be kept, set popLineEnding to true to remove the final line ending).

Set popLineEnding to true to remove the line ending of the last Line and return this lineEnding in SourceFromLineList.


SourceFromLineList toNodes(
  Node Function(SourceSpan span) transfer, {
  bool trimLeft = false,
  bool trimLeading = false,
  bool trimTrailing = false,
  bool popLineEnding = false,
}) {
  if (isEmpty) {
    return SourceFromLineList(<Node>[], null);
  var spans = toSourceSpans();

  // Pop the line ending from `spans` if there is one, no matter
  // `popLineEnding` parameter is `true` or `false`.
  // Otherwise the trimRight() later will trim only the line ending span if
  // the last span is a line ending span.
  final lineEnding = spans.last.isLineEnding ? spans.removeLast() : null;

  if (spans.isNotEmpty) {
    if (trimLeft) {
      spans = spans
          .map((span) => span.isLineEnding ? span : span.trimLeft())
    } else if (trimLeading) {
      spans.first = spans.first.trimLeft();

    if (trimTrailing) {
      spans.last = spans.last.trimRight();

  // Put the line ending span back if `popLineEnding` is `false`.
  if (!popLineEnding && lineEnding != null) {

  final nodes = spans.concatWhilePossible().map<Node>(transfer).toList();
  return SourceFromLineList(nodes, popLineEnding ? lineEnding : null);