
Unit Tests Integration

Mailgun API client written in dart

Forked from dotronglong's repo as it had been unmaintaned for a while.


  • Send messages with any parameters supported by the API

Getting Started


  dart_mailgun: ^1.0.2

Initialising client

  • With default host (api.mailgun.net)
import 'package:dart_mailgun/client.dart';

var client = MailgunClient(domain: "my-mailgun-domain", apiKey: "my-mailgun-api-key");
  • With EU host (api.eu.mailgun.net)
import 'package:dart_mailgun/client.dart';

var client = MailgunClient.eu(domain: "my-mailgun-domain", apiKey: "my-mailgun-api-key");

Sending messages

Messages are sent using MessageClient, which comes preconfigured under MailgunClient.message.

To send a message using the MessageClient.send method, you first configure parameters through MessageParams. It accepts all parameters that are listed in the Mailgun API docs, and will also handle passing the parameters to a http.MultipartRequest object.

The actual content of the email is under MessageParams.content and is an instance of MessageContent, configured using one of the factory constructors:

  • MessageContent.text - adds the content under request.fields['text']
  • MessageContent.html - adds the content under request.fields['html'], and
  • MessageContent.template - lets you send an email using a configured template. It has two parameters; one for the template name and one for a map of the different variables that you want to use.


  • Plaintext
var messageClient = client.message
var params = MessageParams(
  from: from,
  to: to,
  subject: 'email',
  content: MessageContent.text('hello'),
var response = await messageClient.send(params)
  • HTML
var messageClient = client.message
var params = MessageParams(
  from: from,
  to: to,
  subject: 'email',
  content: MessageContent.html('<h1>hello</h1>'),
var response = await messageClient.send(params)
  • Template
var messageClient = client.message
var params = MessageParams(
  from: from,
  to: to,
  subject: 'email',
  content: MessageContent.template('mytemplate', {'var1': 'val1'}),
var response = await messageClient.send(params)

MessageParams also accepts attachments as a list of io.File objects:

var messageClient = client.message
var params = MessageParams(
  from: from,
  to: to,
  subject: 'email',
  content: MessageContent.text('hello'),
  attachments: [File('$path/myfile.txt')],
var response = await messageClient.send(params)

If you can't find the parameter you're looking for it might be configurable under MessageParams.options - as an instance of MessageOptions:

var params = MessageParams(
  from: from,
  to: to,
  subject: 'email',
  content: MessageContent.text('hello'),
  options: MessageOptions(
    tracking: true,
    requireTLS: false,
    customHeaders: {
      'My-Header': 'myheadervalue'
    dkim: false,
    testMode: true

MessageOptions automatically parses the keys of MessageOptions.customHeaders to h:X-$key, and MessageOptions.customVars to v:$key, so unless you want to you don't need to include the prefix.


Responses from any clients will be instances of the Response class.

The response contains two methods:

You can also directly access both of these from Response.statusCode, and Response.reasonPhrase respectively.

The body is found in Response.body. It parses both text responses and json responses into Map<String, String> and supports both http.Responses and http.StreamedResponses. Response.body returns a Future<Map<String, dynamic>> to be able to read bytes from the body of an http.StreamedResponse.

Text bodies are added under Response.body['message'].

var response = await client.send(params)
  //handle error
} else {
  var body = await response.body
  // handle result

Plan type safety

In order to mitigate the risk of errors, the MessageOptions class checks if you have the required Mailgun plan to use certain options.

From what I could find in their documentation there are two options that aren't available on plans other than scale:

  • o: deliverytime-optimize-period, and
  • o: timezone-localize

To use these options, when configuring your parameters, under MessageParams.options, set MessageOptions.plan to PlanType.scale.


Mailgun client library


types Customisation
This library contains all the types used by the mailgun package.