details constant

String const details


static const details = '''
From the [style guide for the flutter repo](
**DO** specify type annotations.
Avoid `var` when specifying that a type is unknown and short-hands that elide
type annotations.  Use `dynamic` if you are being explicit that the type is
unknown.  Use `Object` if you are being explicit that you want an object that
implements `==` and `hashCode`.
var foo = 10;
final bar = Bar();
const quux = 20;
int foo = 10;
final Bar bar = Bar();
String baz = 'hello';
const int quux = 20;
NOTE: Using the the `@optionalTypeArgs` annotation in the `meta` package, API
authors can special-case type variables whose type needs to by dynamic but whose
declaration should be treated as optional.  For example, suppose you have a
`Key` object whose type parameter you'd like to treat as optional.  Using the
`@optionalTypeArgs` would look like this:
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class Key<T> {
main() {
Key s = Key(); // OK!