appendGeometryTaggedText method

void appendGeometryTaggedText(
  1. Geometry geometry,
  2. bool useFormatting,
  3. StringBuffer writer,
  4. NumberFormat formatter,

Converts a Geometry to <Geometry Tagged Text> format, then appends it to the writer.

@param geometry the Geometry to process @param useFormatting flag indicating that the output should be formatted @param writer the output writer to append to @param formatter the NumberFormatter to use to convert from a precise coordinate to an external coordinate


void appendGeometryTaggedText(Geometry geometry, bool useFormatting,
    StringBuffer writer, NumberFormat formatter) {
  // evaluate the ordinates actually present in the geometry
  CheckOrdinatesFilter cof = CheckOrdinatesFilter(this.outputOrdinates);

  // Append the WKT
  appendGeometryTaggedText6Args(geometry, cof.getOutputOrdinates(),
      useFormatting, 0, writer, formatter);