getCoordinateSequenceTryParen method

CoordinateSequence getCoordinateSequenceTryParen(
  1. WKTTokenizer tokenizer,
  2. List<Ordinate> ordinateFlags,
  3. bool tryParen

Reads a CoordinateSequence from a stream using the given {@link WKTTokenizer}.

All ordinate values are read, but -depending on the {@link CoordinateSequenceFactory} of the underlying {@link GeometryFactory}- not necessarily all can be handled. Those are silently dropped.

@param tokenizer the tokenizer to use @param ordinateFlags a bit-mask defining the ordinates to read. @param tryParen a value indicating if a starting {@link #L_PAREN} should be probed for each coordinate. @return a {@link CoordinateSequence} of length 1 containing the read ordinate values

@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs @throws ParseException if an unexpected token was encountered


CoordinateSequence getCoordinateSequenceTryParen(
    WKTTokenizer tokenizer, List<Ordinate> ordinateFlags, bool tryParen) {
  if (getNextEmptyOrOpener(tokenizer) == EMPTY)
    return this.csFactory.createSizeDimMeas(0, toDimension(ordinateFlags),
        ordinateFlags.contains(Ordinate.M) ? 1 : 0);

  List<CoordinateSequence> coordinates = [];
  do {
    coordinates.add(getCoordinate(tokenizer, ordinateFlags, tryParen));
  } while (getNextCloserOrComma(tokenizer) == COMMA);

  return mergeSequences(coordinates, ordinateFlags);