WKBWriter.withDimOrderSrid constructor

  1. int outputDimension,
  2. Endian byteOrder,
  3. bool includeSRID

Creates a writer that writes {@link Geometry}s with the given dimension (2 or 3) for output coordinates and byte order. This constructor also takes a flag to control whether srid information will be written. If the input geometry has a small coordinate dimension, coordinates will be padded with {@link Coordinate#NULL_ORDINATE}.

@param outputDimension the coordinate dimension to output (2 or 3) @param byteOrder the byte ordering to use @param includeSRID indicates whether SRID should be written


    this.outputDimension, this.byteOrder, this.includeSRID) {
  if (outputDimension < 2 || outputDimension > 3)
    throw ArgumentError("Output dimension must be 2 or 3");