hexToBytes static method

List<int> hexToBytes(
  1. String hex

Converts a hexadecimal string to a byte array. The hexadecimal digit symbols are case-insensitive.

@param hex a string containing hex digits @return an array of bytes with the value of the hex string


static List<int> hexToBytes(String hex) {
  List<int> bytes = HEX.decode(hex);
  return bytes;
//    int byteLen = hex.length ~/ 2;
//    List<int> bytes = List(byteLen);
//    for (int i = 0; i < byteLen; i++) {
//      int i2 = 2 * i;
//      if (i2 + 1 > hex.length)
//        throw ArgumentError("Hex string has odd length");
//      int nib1 = hexToInt(hex.charAt(i2));
//      int nib0 = hexToInt(hex.charAt(i2 + 1));
//      int b = (nib1 << 4) + nib0;
//      bytes[i] = b;
//    }
//    return bytes;