intersectionSafe method

Coordinate intersectionSafe(
  1. Coordinate p1,
  2. Coordinate p2,
  3. Coordinate q1,
  4. Coordinate q2,

Computes a segment intersection using homogeneous coordinates. Round-off error can cause the raw computation to fail, (usually due to the segments being approximately parallel). If this happens, a reasonable approximation is computed instead.

@param p1 a segment endpoint @param p2 a segment endpoint @param q1 a segment endpoint @param q2 a segment endpoint @return the computed intersection point


Coordinate intersectionSafe(
    Coordinate p1, Coordinate p2, Coordinate q1, Coordinate q2) {
  Coordinate? intPt = Intersection.intersection(p1, p2, q1, q2);
  if (intPt == null) intPt = nearestEndpoint(p1, p2, q1, q2);
  //     System.out.println("Snapped to " + intPt);
  return intPt;