addDirectedFillet method

void addDirectedFillet(
  1. Coordinate p,
  2. double startAngle,
  3. double endAngle,
  4. int direction,
  5. double radius,

Adds points for a circular fillet arc between two specified angles. The start and end point for the fillet are not added - the caller must add them if required.

@param direction is -1 for a CW angle, 1 for a CCW angle @param radius the radius of the fillet


void addDirectedFillet(Coordinate p, double startAngle, double endAngle,
    int direction, double radius) {
  int directionFactor = direction == Orientation.CLOCKWISE ? -1 : 1;

  double totalAngle = (startAngle - endAngle).abs();
  int nSegs = (totalAngle / filletAngleQuantum + 0.5).toInt();

  if (nSegs < 1)
    return; // no segments because angle is less than increment - nothing to do!

  double initAngle, currAngleInc;

  // choose angle increment so that each segment has equal length
  initAngle = 0.0;
  currAngleInc = totalAngle / nSegs;

  double currAngle = initAngle;
  Coordinate pt = new Coordinate.empty2D();
  while (currAngle < totalAngle) {
    double angle = startAngle + directionFactor * currAngle;
    pt.x = p.x + radius * math.cos(angle);
    pt.y = p.y + radius * math.sin(angle);
    currAngle += currAngleInc;