toLowest method

LinearLocation toLowest(
  1. Geometry linearGeom

Converts a linear location to the lowest equivalent location index. The lowest index has the lowest possible component and segment indices.


  • if the location point is an endpoint, a location value is returned as (nseg-1, 1.0)
  • if the location point is ambiguous (i.e. an endpoint and a startpoint), the lowest endpoint location is returned
If the location index is already the lowest possible value, the original location is returned.

@param linearGeom the linear geometry referenced by this location @return the lowest equivalent location


LinearLocation toLowest(Geometry linearGeom) {
  // TODO: compute lowest component index
  LineString lineComp = linearGeom.getGeometryN(componentIndex) as LineString;
  int nseg = numSegments(lineComp);
  // if not an endpoint can be returned directly
  if (segmentIndex < nseg) return this;
  return new LinearLocation.fromComponentSegmentIndexFractionNorm(
      componentIndex, nseg - 1, 1.0, false);