compareTo method

int compareTo(
  1. dynamic o

Compares this object with the specified object for order.

@param o the LineStringLocation with which this Coordinate is being compared @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this LineStringLocation is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified LineStringLocation


int compareTo(dynamic o) {
  LinearLocation other = o as LinearLocation;
  // compare component indices
  if (componentIndex < other.componentIndex) return -1;
  if (componentIndex > other.componentIndex) return 1;
  // compare segments
  if (segmentIndex < other.segmentIndex) return -1;
  if (segmentIndex > other.segmentIndex) return 1;
  // same segment, so compare segment fraction
  if (segmentFraction < other.segmentFraction) return -1;
  if (segmentFraction > other.segmentFraction) return 1;
  // same location
  return 0;