matches method

bool matches(
  1. String requiredDimensionSymbols

Returns whether the elements of this IntersectionMatrix satisfies the required dimension symbols.

@param requiredDimensionSymbols nine dimension symbols with which to compare the elements of this IntersectionMatrix. Possible values are {T, F, * , 0, 1, 2}. @return true if this IntersectionMatrix matches the required dimension symbols


bool matches(String requiredDimensionSymbols) {
  if (requiredDimensionSymbols.length != 9) {
    throw ArgumentError("Should be length 9: $requiredDimensionSymbols");
  for (int ai = 0; ai < 3; ai++) {
    for (int bi = 0; bi < 3; bi++) {
      if (!matchesDimValue(
          matrix[ai][bi], requiredDimensionSymbols[3 * ai + bi])) {
        return false;
  return true;