intersectsPoint static method

bool intersectsPoint(
  1. Coordinate p1,
  2. Coordinate p2,
  3. Coordinate q

Test the point q to see whether it intersects the Envelope defined by p1-p2 @param p1 one extremal point of the envelope @param p2 another extremal point of the envelope @param q the point to test for intersection @return true if q intersects the envelope p1-p2


static bool intersectsPoint(Coordinate p1, Coordinate p2, Coordinate q) {
  //OptimizeIt shows that Math#min and Math#max here are a bottleneck.
  //Replace with direct comparisons. [Jon Aquino]
  if (((q.x >= (p1.x < p2.x ? p1.x : p2.x)) &&
          (q.x <= (p1.x > p2.x ? p1.x : p2.x))) &&
      ((q.y >= (p1.y < p2.y ? p1.y : p2.y)) &&
          (q.y <= (p1.y > p2.y ? p1.y : p2.y)))) {
    return true;
  return false;