distance method

double distance(
  1. Envelope env

Computes the distance between this and another Envelope. The distance between overlapping Envelopes is 0. Otherwise, the distance is the Euclidean distance between the closest points.


double distance(Envelope env) {
  if (intersectsEnvelope(env)) return 0;

  double dx = 0.0;
  if (_maxx < env._minx) {
    dx = env._minx - _maxx;
  } else if (_minx > env._maxx) dx = _minx - env._maxx;

  double dy = 0.0;
  if (_maxy < env._miny) {
    dy = env._miny - _maxy;
  } else if (_miny > env._maxy) dy = _miny - env._maxy;

  // if either is zero, the envelopes overlap either vertically or horizontally
  if (dx == 0.0) return dy;
  if (dy == 0.0) return dx;
  return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);