toSciNotation method

String toSciNotation()

Returns the string representation of this value in scientific notation.

@return the string representation in scientific notation


String toSciNotation() {
// special case zero, to allow as
  if (isZero()) return SCI_NOT_ZERO;

  String? specialStr = getSpecialNumberString();
  if (specialStr != null) return specialStr;

  List<int> magnitudeList = List.filled(1, 0);
  String digits = extractSignificantDigits(false, magnitudeList);
  String expStr = "$SCI_NOT_EXPONENT_CHAR${magnitudeList[0]}";

// should never have leading zeroes
// MD - is this correct?  Or should we simply strip them if they are present?
  if (digits[0] == '0') {
    throw ArgumentError("Found leading zero: $digits");

// add decimal point
  String trailingDigits = "";
  if (digits.length > 1) trailingDigits = digits.substring(1);
  String digitsWithDecimal = digits[0] + "." + trailingDigits;

  if (this.isNegative()) return "-" + digitsWithDecimal + expStr;
  return digitsWithDecimal + expStr;