findShell method

EdgeRing? findShell(
  1. List minEdgeRings

This method takes a list of MinimalEdgeRings derived from a MaximalEdgeRing, and tests whether they form a Polygon. This is the case if there is a single shell in the list. In this case the shell is returned. The other possibility is that they are a series of connected holes, in which case no shell is returned.

@return the shell EdgeRing, if there is one or null, if all the rings are holes


EdgeRing? findShell(List minEdgeRings) {
  int shellCount = 0;
  EdgeRing? shell;
  for (EdgeRing er in minEdgeRings) {
    if (!er.isHole()) {
      shell = er;
  Assert.isTrue(shellCount <= 1, "found two shells in MinimalEdgeRing list");
  return shell;