isNonNested method

bool isNonNested()


bool isNonNested() {

  for (int i = 0; i < rings.length; i++) {
    LinearRing innerRing = rings[i] as LinearRing;
    List<Coordinate> innerRingPts = innerRing.getCoordinates();

    List results = index!.query(innerRing.getEnvelopeInternal());
    for (int j = 0; j < results.length; j++) {
      LinearRing searchRing = results[j] as LinearRing;
      List<Coordinate> searchRingPts = searchRing.getCoordinates();

      if (innerRing == searchRing) continue;

      if (!innerRing
          .intersectsEnvelope(searchRing.getEnvelopeInternal())) continue;

      Coordinate? innerRingPt =
          IsValidOp.findPtNotNode(innerRingPts, searchRing, graph);

       * If no non-node pts can be found, this means
       * that the searchRing touches ALL of the innerRing vertices.
       * This indicates an invalid polygon, since either
       * the two holes create a disconnected interior,
       * or they touch in an infinite number of points
       * (i.e. along a line segment).
       * Both of these cases are caught by other tests,
       * so it is safe to simply skip this situation here.
      if (innerRingPt == null) continue;

      bool isInside = PointLocation.isInRing(innerRingPt, searchRingPts);
      if (isInside) {
        nestedPt = innerRingPt;
        return false;
  return true;