edit method

Geometry? edit(
  1. Geometry? geometry,
  2. GeometryFactory? gfactory

Edits a Geometry by returning a new Geometry with a modification. The returned geometry may be:

  • the input geometry itself. The returned Geometry might be the same as the Geometry passed in.
  • null if the geometry is to be deleted.

@param geometry the Geometry to modify @param factory the factory with which to construct the modified Geometry (may be different to the factory of the input geometry) @return a new Geometry which is a modification of the input Geometry @return null if the Geometry is to be deleted completely


Geometry? edit(Geometry? geometry, GeometryFactory? gfactory) {
  if (geometry is LinearRing) {
    return gfactory
        ?.createLinearRing(editCoords(geometry.getCoordinates(), geometry));

  if (geometry is LineString) {
    return gfactory
        ?.createLineString(editCoords(geometry.getCoordinates(), geometry));

  if (geometry is Point) {
    List<Coordinate> newCoordinates =
        editCoords(geometry.getCoordinates(), geometry);

    return gfactory
        ?.createPoint((newCoordinates.length > 0) ? newCoordinates[0] : null);

  return geometry;