toWords function

List<String> toWords(
  1. String input, [
  2. CaseStyle? caseStyle = defaultCaseStyle

Converts input of certain caseStyle to List of words


List<String> toWords(String input, [CaseStyle? caseStyle = defaultCaseStyle]) {
  final effectiveCaseStyle = caseStyle ?? defaultCaseStyle;
  switch (effectiveCaseStyle) {
    case CaseStyle.snake:
    case CaseStyle.snakeAllCaps:
      return input.split('_');
    case CaseStyle.kebab:
      return input.split('-');
    case CaseStyle.pascal:
      return deCapitalize(input)
              (match) => '${} ${}')
              (match) => '${} ${}')
          .split(' ');
    case CaseStyle.camel:
      return input
              (match) => '${} ${}')
              (match) => '${} ${}')
          .split(' ');
      return input.split(' ');