geo static method

Future<GeoModel> geo(
  1. String api, {
  2. String? ip,

Discover the precise physical location of a given IP address, the default geo search is from this device current Public IP address.

Returns a result of type GeoModel which is a generated class.

This require an apiKey from


final mygeo = Ipify.geo('apiKey');
print(; // TN

final somegeo = Ipify.geo('apiKey', ip: '');
  "ip": "",
  "location": {
    "country": "US",
    "region": "California",
    "city": "Mountain View",
    "lat": 37.4223,
    "lng": -122.085,
    "postalCode": "94043",
    "timezone": "-07:00",
    "geonameId": 5375480
  "domains": [
  "as": {
    "asn": 15169,
    "name": "Google LLC",
    "route": "",
    "domain": "",
    "type": "Content"
  "isp": "Google LLC",
  "proxy": {
    "proxy": false,
    "vpn": false,
    "tor": false


static Future<GeoModel> geo(String api, {String? ip}) async {
  ip ??= await ipv4();
  final query = 'apiKey=$api&ipAddress=$ip';
  final uri =
      Uri(host: _geoHost, path: _geoPath, scheme: _scheme, query: query);
  final response = await _send(uri);
  return GeoModel.fromJson(response);