open method

  1. @override
void open({
  1. Function? populateFunction,

Open the database or create a new one.

If supplied the populateFunction is used.

For sqlite this happens if the db didn't exist, while for postgres the function is executed no matter what, if available.


void open({Function? populateFunction}) {
  bool existsAlready;
  if (_dbPath == null) {
    _db = sqlite3.openInMemory();
    // _db = Database.memory();
    existsAlready = false;
  } else {
    var dbFile = File(_dbPath!);
    existsAlready = dbFile.existsSync();
    _db =!);
    // _db = Database.openFile(dbFile);
  if (!existsAlready && populateFunction != null) {
    // db is open already, we can use the wrapper for the create function.