HolodexClient constructor

  1. required String apiKey,
  2. String basePath = 'https://holodex.net/api/v2',
  3. Client? client,

Creates a new instance of HolodexClient

  • apiKey Your personal API key. Be aware that the validity of the key is not checked, so ensure it is correct.

  • basePath (Optional) The base Holodex API url. Can be overriden with the mock sever API url: https://stoplight.io/mocks/holodex/holodex/11620234

  • client An existing HTTP Client, if needed. When left unspecified, an internal client will be created


  required this.apiKey,
  this.basePath = 'https://holodex.net/api/v2',
  http.Client? client,
}) {
  if (client == null) {
    _client = http.Client();
  } else {
    _client = client;