pub package codecov License

A thin unofficial Dart client for Holodex API v2.

Table of Contents

Getting started

  1. Get an API key at, instructions here
  2. Add this package your pubspec.yaml file
  3. Run dart pub get or flutter pub get.


Full example.

Get an instance of HolodexClient with your API key

final holodexClient = HolodexClient(apiKey: apiKey);

Remember to close the client when you are done with it, this closes the internal http client. Failing to close it can cause the Dart process to hang.


Get a video by its ID

Get a video by its video ID, alias of getVideos


  • videoId The video ID as a string
  • includes Request extra data be included in the results. They are not guarenteed to be returned.
// Get one video and print it
final VideoFull video = await holodexClient.getVideoById(
  includes: [
    // Includes.description,
print('Requested Video: ${video.toString()}');

Get a list of videos


  • filter Filter the results returns by the Holodex API /videos endpoint
// Get a bunch of videos and print them
final videoFilter = VideoFilter(
  // channelId: 'UCsYcCwDqv6Sg8KMIIMF54SA', // Kiriku Translation
  includes: <Includes>[
    // Includes.description,
  languages: <Language>[Language.all],
  limit: 50,
  maxUpcomingHours: 1000,
  // mentionedChannelId: 'UCDqI2jOz0weumE8s7paEk6g', // Roboco
  offset: 50,
  order: Order.descending,
  // organization: Organization.Hololive,
  paginated: true,
  sort: <VideoSort>[VideoSort.availableAt],
  status: <VideoStatus>[VideoStatus.past],
  // Videos of type VideoType.clip cannot not have topic. Streams may or may not have topic.
  // topicId: 'singing',
  // type:,

final PaginatedVideos videoList = await holodexClient.getVideos(videoFilter);
print('Videos: ${videoList.items.length}');
print('Total Videos: ${}');

Get a list of live videos

This is somewhat similar to calling getVideos, except this endpoint imposes default values on the query parameters. You can choose to override them by providing your own values.

final liveVideoFilter = VideoFilter(includes: [Includes.channelStats]);
final PaginatedVideos liveVideos = await holodexClient.getLiveVideos(liveVideoFilter);
print('Live videos: ${liveVideos.items.length}\n');

Get a channel by its ID

Returns Channel


  • filter Filter the results returns by the API
final Channel ceresFauna = await holodexClient.getChannelById('UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ');
print('Requested Channel Name: ${}\n');

Get a list of channels


  • filter Filter the results returns by the API
final channelFilter = const ChannelFilter(
  limit: 25,
  offset: 0,
  order: Order.ascending,
  organization: Organization.AtelierLive,
  sort: [ChannelSort.organization],
final List<Channel> channels = await holodexClient.getChannels(channelFilter);
print('Atelier Live Channels: ${channels.length}\n');

Quickly Access Live / Upcoming for a set of Channels

This endpoint is similar to the getLiveVideos method and usually replies much faster. It is more friendly in general. The cost to execute a lookup is significantly cheaper. It's unfortunately less customizable as a result.

Holodex recommends using this if you have a fixed set of channel IDs to look up status for.


  • channelIds List of channel IDs to get the live videos from.
final List<Video> quickLiveVideos = await holodexClient.getLiveVideosFromChannelsQuickly([
    'UCQ0UDLQCjY0rmuxCDE38FGg', // Matsuri
    'UCZlDXzGoo7d44bwdNObFacg', // Kanata
    'UCqm3BQLlJfvkTsX_hvm0UmA' // Watame
print('Requested Live Videos From Channels: ${quickLiveVideos.length}\n');

A simplified method for access channel specific data. If you want more customization, the same result can be obtained by calling the getVideos method.


  • channelId ID of the Youtube Channel that is being queried
  • type The type of video resource to fetch. Clips finds clip videos of a vtuber channel, Video finds the channelId channel's uploads, and collabs finds videos uploaded by other channels that mention the channelId
  • filter Filter the results returns by the API
final PaginatedResult<VideoFull> matsuriClips = await holodexClient.getVideosRelatedToChannel(
    'UCQ0UDLQCjY0rmuxCDE38FGg', // Matsuri
    type: VideoSearchType.clips
print('Clips including Matsuri: ${}');
print('Returned clips including Matsuri: ${matsuriClips.videos.length}');

Get Clips of a VTuber

Alias of getChannelRelatedVideos


  • channelId ID of the Youtube Channel that is being queried
  • filter Filter the results returns by the API
final PaginatedVideos matsuriClips2 = await holodexClient.getVTuberClips(
    'UCQ0UDLQCjY0rmuxCDE38FGg', // Matsuri
print('Clips including Matsuri: ${}');
print('Returned clips including Matsuri: ${matsuriClips2.items.length}\n');

Get Collabs that mention a VTuber

Alias of getChannelRelatedVideos


  • channelId ID of the Youtube Channel that is being queried
  • filter Filter the results returns by the API
final PaginatedVideos matsuriCollabs = await holodexClient.getVTuberCollabs('UCQ0UDLQCjY0rmuxCDE38FGg');
print('Collabs including Matsuri: ${}');
print('Returned collabs including Matsuri: ${matsuriCollabs.items.length}\n');

Get Videos From Channel

Alias of getChannelRelatedVideos


  • channelId ID of the Youtube Channel that is being queried
  • filter Filter the results returns by the API
final PaginatedVideos matsuriUploads = await holodexClient.getChannelVideos('UCQ0UDLQCjY0rmuxCDE38FGg');
print('Total Matsuri uploads: ${}');
print('Returned uploads: ${matsuriUploads.items.length}\n');

Get a single Video's metadata

Retrieves a video, optionally with comments and recommended videos.


  • videoId ID of the video
  • includeTimestampComments If set to true, comments with timestamps will be returned
  • filterRecommendationLanguages Retrieves recommended videos if not empty. This is a list of language codes to filter channels/clips, official streams do not follow this parameter.
final VideoFull shionSingingStream = await holodexClient.getVideoMetadata(
  'eJJuy5rY57w', // Shion's singing stream
  includeTimestampComments: true,
  filterRecommendationLanguages: [Language.all],
final List<Comment> timestampComments = shionSingingStream.comments;
final List<Video> recommendations = shionSingingStream.recommendations;

print('Songs: ${shionSingingStream.songcount}');
print('Video Comments With Timestamps: ${timestampComments.length}');
print('Video Recommendations: ${recommendations.length}\n');

Search For Videos

Flexible endpoint to search for videos fulfilling multiple conditions. Descriptions with "any" implies an OR condition, and "all" implies an AND condition. Note that searching for topics and clips is not supported, because clips do not contain topics.


  • conditions Match all of the items. -> For each item: look for the text in video title or description
  • filter Filter video results from the API
final singingSearchFilter = SearchFilter(
  sort: SearchSort.newest,
  languages: [Language.all],
  targets: [SearchTarget.clip,],
  topics: ['singing'],
  videoChannels: <String>[],
  organizations: [
  paginated: true,
  offset: 0,
  limit: 25,

final PaginatedVideos searchVideos = await holodexClient.searchVideos(
  conditions: ['karaoke'],
  filter: singingSearchFilter,
print('Videos Found: ${searchVideos.items.length}\n');

Search For Videos With a Comment

Flexible endpoint to search for comments in videos fulfilling multiple conditions. Descriptions with "any" implies an OR condition, and "all" implies an AND condition. Note that searching for topics and clips is not supported, because clips do not contain topics.


  • comment Find videos with comments containing specified string (case insensitive)
  • filter Filter video results from the API
final singingSearchFilter = SearchFilter(
  sort: SearchSort.newest,
  languages: [Language.all],
  targets: [SearchTarget.clip,],
  topics: ['singing'],
  videoChannels: <String>[],
  organizations: [
  paginated: true,
  offset: 0,
  limit: 25,

final PaginatedVideos searchComments = await holodexClient.searchComments(
  comment: 'shion',
  filter: singingSearchFilter,
print('Videos with Comment: ${searchComments.items.length}\n');

Testing with Coverage

Generating code coverage:

  1. Activate the coverage package
dart pub global activate coverage
  1. Run the tests with coverage
dart pub global run coverage:test_with_coverage --branch-coverage --function-coverage
  1. Visualize the coverage with an extension such as Coverage Gutters

Additional information

  • Read the official API documentation here
  • Visit
  • Some parts of this package was inspired by the C# and Rust implementations of the API.


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