An unofficial dart wrapper for GSAP (only free gsap).
This package works if you use dart web with webdev / Jaspr / and other dart web package ( not tested on Flutter).
You can create amazing animated web page:
- Please before use it, read the GSAP licence
- This package was tested with GSAP 3.12.
Not all features of Gsap are implemented,
Lib/Plugin | Done |
Gsap | ✔️ |
Timeline | ✔️ |
Tween | ✔️ |
Observer | ✔️ |
Flip | ❌ |
ScrollTo | ✔️ |
Easel | ✔️ |
ScrollTrigger | ❌ |
Draggable | ❌ |
MotionPath | ❌ |
Text | ❌ |
RoughEase | ❌ |
ExpoScaleEase | ❌ |
SlowMo | ❌ |
CustomEase | ❌ |
Getting started
Add Gsap and others plugins in your index.html like this:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Example in dart web
Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 300), () {
var tl = Gsap.timeline(TimeLineOptions(
scrollTrigger: ScrollTriggerOptions(
trigger: '.container',
start: 'top center',
end: '+=400',
scrub: 1)));
tl.from('.box', {
'backgroundColor': '#28a92b',
'rotation': 360,
'scale': 0,
final section = Element.section()
..classes = ['section_scroll']
..children.add(HeadingElement.h2()..text = "Scroll down 👇"),
..classes = ['section_scroll', 'container']
..children.add(Element.div()..classes = ['box']),
Element.div()..classes = ['section_scroll'],
You can find others examples for dart or for jaspr
Additional information
Please refer to the Gsap doc