listUsers method

Future<ListUsersResult> listUsers({
  1. int? maxResults,
  2. String? pageToken,

Retrieves a list of users (single batch only) with a size of maxResults starting from the offset as specified by pageToken. This is used to retrieve all the users of a specified project in batches.

See for code samples and detailed documentation.

  • maxResults - The page size, 1000 if undefined. This is also the maximum allowed limit.
  • pageToken - The next page token. If not specified, returns users starting without any offset.

Returns a promise that resolves with the current batch of downloaded users and the next page token.


Future<ListUsersResult> listUsers({
  int? maxResults,
  String? pageToken,
}) async {
  final response = await _authRequestHandler.downloadAccount(
    maxResults: maxResults,
    pageToken: pageToken,

  final users =
      response.users?.map(UserRecord.fromResponse).toList() ?? <UserRecord>[];

  return ListUsersResult._(
    users: users,
    pageToken: response.nextPageToken,