createProviderConfig method

Future<AuthProviderConfig> createProviderConfig(
  1. AuthProviderConfig config

Returns a promise that resolves with the newly created AuthProviderConfig when the new provider configuration is created.

SAML and OIDC provider support requires Google Cloud's Identity Platform (GCIP). To learn more about GCIP, including pricing and features, see the


Future<AuthProviderConfig> createProviderConfig(
  AuthProviderConfig config,
) async {
  if (_OIDCConfig.isProviderId(config.providerId)) {
    final response = await _authRequestHandler.createOAuthIdpConfig(
      config as _OIDCConfig,
    return _OIDCConfig.fromResponse(response);
  } else if (_SAMLConfig.isProviderId(config.providerId)) {
    final response = await _authRequestHandler.createInboundSamlConfig(
      config as _SAMLConfig,
    return _SAMLConfig.fromResponse(response);

  throw FirebaseAuthAdminException(AuthClientErrorCode.invalidProviderId);