importUsers method

Future<UserImportResult> importUsers(
  1. List<UserImportRecord> users, [
  2. UserImportOptions? options

Imports the provided list of users into Firebase Auth. A maximum of 1000 users are allowed to be imported one at a time. When importing users with passwords, UserImportOptions are required to be specified. This operation is optimized for bulk imports and will ignore checks on uid, email and other identifier uniqueness which could result in duplications.

  • users - The list of user records to import to Firebase Auth.
  • options - The user import options, required when the users provided include password credentials.

Returns a Future that resolves when the operation completes with the result of the import. This includes the number of successful imports, the number of failed imports and their corresponding errors.


Future<UserImportResult> importUsers(
  List<UserImportRecord> users, [
  UserImportOptions? options,
]) async {
  return _authRequestHandler.uploadAccount(users, options);