load method

DartCompilationUnit load()

Load the source code from the filesystem or a String and parse it (internally using parseString from the Dart analyzer) into an AST


DartCompilationUnit load() {
  LibraryDirective? libraryDirective;
  PartOfDirective? partOfDirective;

  final imports = <ImportDirective>[];
  final exports = <ExportDirective>[];
  final parts = <PartDirective>[];

  final unit = _parse(toString());
  for (final directive in unit.directives) {
    if (directive is ImportDirective) {
    } else if (directive is ExportDirective) {
    } else if (directive is PartDirective) {
    } else if (directive is PartOfDirective) {
      if (partOfDirective != null) {
        throw CompileError(
            'Library $uri must not contain multiple "part of" directives');
      partOfDirective = directive;
    } else if (directive is LibraryDirective) {
      if (libraryDirective != null) {
        throw CompileError(
            'Library $uri must not contain multiple "library" directives');
      libraryDirective = directive;

  if (partOfDirective != null && imports.isNotEmpty) {
    throw CompileError(
        "Library $uri is a part, so it can't have 'import' directives");

  if (partOfDirective != null && exports.isNotEmpty) {
    throw CompileError(
        "Library $uri is a part, so it can't have 'export' directives");

  if (partOfDirective != null && parts.isNotEmpty) {
    throw CompileError(
        "Library $uri is a part, so it can't have 'part' directives");

  return DartCompilationUnit(uri,
      imports: imports,
      exports: exports,
      parts: parts,
      declarations: unit.declarations,
      library: libraryDirective,
      partOf: partOfDirective);