👉 A light-weight Emoji 📦 for Dart & Flutter with all up-to-date emojis written in pure Dart 😄 . Made from 💯% ☕ with ❤️!
This is a fork of flutter_emoji, which is inspired by the node-emoji package. The reason for the fork is better maintaining and adding further features, such as EmojiUtil.hasOnlyEmojis()
is even used in production for our app Gatch. You can get Gatch for iOS and Android.
API Usage
First, import the package:
import 'package:dart_emoji/dart_emoji.dart';
There are two main classes you need to know to handle Emoji text: Emoji
and EmojiParser
Basically, you need to initialize an instance of EmojiParser
var parser = EmojiParser();
var coffee = Emoji('coffee', '☕');
var heart = Emoji('heart', '❤️');
// Get emoji info
var emojiHeart = parser.info('heart');
print(emojiHeart); '{name: heart, full: :heart:, code: ❤️}'
// Check emoji equality
heart == emojiHeart; // returns: true
heart == emojiCoffee; // returns: false
// Get emoji by name or code
parser.get('coffee'); // returns: Emoji{name="coffee", full=":coffee:", code="☕"}
parser.get(':coffee:'); // returns: Emoji{name="coffee", full=":coffee:", code="☕"}
parser.hasName('coffee'); // returns: true
parser.getName('coffee'); // returns: Emoji{name="coffee", full=":coffee:", code="☕"}
parser.hasEmoji('❤️'); // returns: true
parser.getEmoji('❤️'); // returns: Emoji{name="heart", full=":heart:", code="❤️"}
parser.emojify('I :heart: :coffee:'); // returns: 'I ❤️ ☕'
parser.unemojify('I ❤️ ☕'); // returns: 'I :heart: :coffee:'
// Check if text contains only emojis
EmojiUtil.hasOnlyEmojis("👋"); // returns true
EmojiUtil.hasOnlyEmojis("👋 Hello"); // returns false
All methods will return Emoji.None
if emoji is not found.
parser.get('does_not_exist_emoji_name'); // returns: Emoji.None
MIT @ 2021 Gatch GmbH.