A simple and easy to use dotenv library for Dart (dartlang).
A simple usage example:
import 'package:dart_dotenv/dart_dotenv.dart';
main(List<String> args) {
final dotEnv = DotEnv(filePath: '.env');
// Check if file exists or not.
print('.env exists ? - ${dotEnv.exists()}');
// Create a new [filePath] file if not exists.
print('.env Created New ? - ${dotEnv.createNew()}');
// Get a specific value from [.env] file.
print('.env value of "someSpecificKey" ? - ${dotEnv.get("someSpecificKey")}');
// Get the whole data of [.env] file as [Map<String, String>].
print('.env data ? - ${dotEnv.getDotEnv()}');
// Set a new value to and existing key or a completely new set of key and value.
print('.env append new data ? - ${dotEnv.set("newKey", "newValue")}');
// Save the new data to `[filePath]` file.
print('.env save to file ? - ${dotEnv.saveDotEnv()}');
Features and bugs
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.