packageIsImmediateDependency function

bool packageIsImmediateDependency(
  1. String packageName, {
  2. String? path,

Returns true if packageName is an immediate dependency, and false otherwise.

This is useful for determining whether an executable from packageName can be run (pub requires that the package be an explicit dependency to do so) or if a builder might be applied (some builders are configured to auto-apply only to packages that explicitly depend on them).

This function checks the current project's pubspec to see if any of these conditions are met:

  • The current package is packageName
  • packageName is a dependency
  • packageName is a dev dependency
  • packageName is a dependency override


bool packageIsImmediateDependency(String packageName, {String? path}) {
  final pubspec = cachedPubspec(path: path);
  return == packageName ||
      pubspec.devDependencies.keys.any((d) => d == packageName) ||
      pubspec.dependencies.keys.any((d) => d == packageName) ||
      pubspec.dependencyOverrides.keys.any((d) => d == packageName);