Dart Dependency Injection (DDI) Library

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The Dart Dependency Injection (DDI) library is a robust and flexible dependency injection mechanism inspired by the Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) framework in Java and by Get_It dart package. DDI facilitates the management of object instances and their lifecycles by introducing different scopes and customization options. This documentation aims to provide an in-depth understanding of DDI's core concepts, usage, and features.

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See this example to get started with DDI.


  • Flutter DDI - This package is designed to facilitate the dependency injection process in your Flutter application.


  • Budgetopia - An intuitive personal finance app that helps users track expenses.
  • Perfumei - A simple mobile app about perfumes. Built using DDI and Cubit.
  • Clinicas - A project for a mobile, desktop and web application about Attendance Rank. Built using Signal and Flutter DDI to enable route-based dependency injection management.


  1. Core Concepts
    1. Singleton
    2. Application
    3. Session
    4. Dependent
    5. Object
    6. Common Considerations
  2. Factories
    1. How Factories Work
    2. Use Cases for Factories
    3. Considerations
  3. Qualifiers
    1. How Qualifiers Work
    2. Use Cases for Qualifiers
    3. Considerations
  4. Extra Customization
    1. PostConstruct
    2. Decorators
    3. Interceptor
    4. CanRegister
    5. CanDestroy
    6. Selectors
  5. Modules
    1. Adding a Class
    2. Adding Multiple Class
  6. Mixins
    1. Post Construct
    2. Pre Destroy
    3. Pre Dispose
    4. DDIModule Mixin
    5. DDIInject, DDIInjectAsync and DDIComponentInject Mixins
    6. DDIEventSender and DDIStreamSender Mixins
  7. Events
    1. Creating and Managing Events
    2. Subscribing an Event
    3. Unsubscribing an Event
    4. Firing an Event
    5. Events Considerations
    6. Use Cases
  8. Stream
    1. Subscription
    2. Closing Stream
    3. Firing Events
    4. Retrieving Stream

Core Concepts


The Dart Dependency Injection (DDI) Library supports various scopes for efficient management of object instances. Each scope determines how instances are created, reused, and destroyed throughout the application lifecycle. Below are detailed characteristics of each scope, along with recommendations, use cases, and considerations for potential issues.


Description: This scope creates an unique instance during registration and reuses it in all subsequent requests.

Recommendation: Suitable for objects that need to be globally shared across the application, maintaining a single instance.

Use Case: Sharing a configuration manager, a logging service, or a global state manager.


  • Interceptor.onDipose and PreDispose mixin are not supported. You can just destroy the instance.

  • If you call dispose, only the Application or Session childrens will be disposed.


Description: Generates an instance when first used and reuses it for all subsequent requests during the application's execution.

Recommendation: Indicated for objects that need to be created only once per application and shared across different parts of the code.

Use Case: Managing application-level resources, such as a network client or a global configuration.

Note: PreDispose and PreDestroy mixins will only be called if the instance is in use. Use Interceptor if you want to call them regardless.


Description: Ties an instance to a specific session, persisting throughout the session's lifespan.

Recommendation: Suitable for objects that need to be retained while a session is active, such as user-specific data or state.

Use Case: Managing user authentication state or caching user-specific preferences.

Note: PreDispose and PreDestroy mixins will only be called if the instance is in use. Use Interceptor if you want to call them regardless.


Description: Produces a new instance every time it is requested, ensuring independence and uniqueness.

Recommendation: Useful for objects that should remain independent and different in each context or request.

Use Case: Creating instances of transient objects like data repositories or request handlers.


  • Dispose functions, Interceptor.onDipose and PreDispose mixin are not supported.

  • PreDestroy mixins are not supported. Use Interceptor.onDestroy instead.


Description: Registers an Object in the Object Scope, ensuring it is created once and shared throughout the entire application, working like Singleton.

Recommendation: Suitable for objects that are stateless or have shared state across the entire application.

Use Case: Application or device properties, like platform or dark mode settings, where the object's state needs to be consistent across the entire application.


  • Interceptor.onDipose and PreDispose mixin are not supported. You can just destroy the instance.

  • If you call dispose, only the Application or Session childrens will be disposed.

Common Considerations:

Unique Registration: Ensure that the instance to be registered is unique for a specific type or use qualifiers to enable the registration of multiple instances of the same type.

Memory Management: Be aware of memory implications for long-lived objects, especially in the Singleton and Object scopes.

Nested Instances: Avoid unintentional coupling by carefully managing instances within larger-scoped objects.

const and Modifiers: Take into account the impact of const and other class modifiers on the behavior of instances within different scopes.


Encapsulate the instantiation logic, providing a better way to define how and when objects are created. They use a builder function to manage the creation process, providing flexibility and control over the instances.

How Factories Work

When you register a factory, you provide a builder function that defines how the instance will be constructed. This builder can take parameters, enabling the factory to customize the creation process based on the specific needs of the application. Depending on the specified scope (e.g., singleton or application), the factory can either create a new instance each time it is requested or return the same instance for subsequent requests.

Example Registration


In this example:

  • MyService.new. is the default constructor of the class (e.g., () => MyService()).
  • .builder defines the parameters for the instance of MyService.
  • .asApplication() define the scope of the factory to create a new instance of MyService only on the first request.
  • .register() finalizes the factory registration in the dart_ddi system.

Use Cases for Factories

Asynchronous Creation

Factories support asynchronous creation, which is useful when initialization requires asynchronous tasks, such as data fetching.

  factory: ScopeFactory.application(
    builder: () async {
      final data = await getApiData();
      return MyApiService(data);

Custom Parameters

Factories can define parameters for builders, allowing for more flexible object creation based on runtime conditions. This also enables automatic injection of Beans into factories.

// Registering the factory
  factory: ScopeFactory.application(
    builder: (RecordParameter parameter) { 
      return ServiceWithParameter(parameter);

  factory: ScopeFactory.application(
    builder: (MyDatabase database, UserService userService) {
      return ServiceAutoInject(database, userService);

// Retrieving the instances
ddi.getWith<ServiceWithParameter, RecordParameter>(parameter: parameter);


Object Scope: The Object Scope is not supported for factories.

Singleton Scope: The Singleton Scope can only be created with auto-inject. If you attempt to create a singleton with custom objects, a BeanNotFoundException will be thrown.

Supertypes or Interfaces: You cannot use the shortcut builder (MyService.new.builder.asApplication()) with supertypes or interfaces. This limitation exists because the builder function only recognizes the implementation class, not the supertype or interface.

Decorators and Interceptors: It is highly recommended to register the factory using factory: ScopeFactory.scope(...). This approach handles type inference more effectively.

Lazy vs. Eager Injection: Eager Injection occurs when you inject beans using auto-inject functionality or manually via constructors. For lazy injection, you can use the DDIInject mixin or define the variable as late(e.g., late final ServiceAutoInject serviceAutoInject = ddi.get()).


Qualifiers are used to differentiate instances of the same type, enabling to identify and retrieve specific instances. In scenarios where multiple instances coexist, qualifiers serve as optional labels or identifiers associated with the registration and retrieval of instances.

How Qualifiers Work

When registering an instance, can provide a qualifier as part of the registration process. This qualifier acts as metadata associated with the instance and can later be used during retrieval to specify which instance is needed.

Example Registration with Qualifier

ddi.registerSingleton<MyService>(MyService.new, qualifier: "specialInstance");

Retrieval with Qualifiers

During retrieval, if multiple instances of the same type exist, can use the associated qualifier to specify the desired instance. But remember, if you register using qualifier, should retrieve with qualifier.

Example Retrieval with Qualifier

MyService specialInstance = ddi.get<MyService>(qualifier: "specialInstance");

Use Cases for Qualifiers

Configuration Variations

When there are multiple configurations for a service, such as different API endpoints or connection settings.

ddi.registerSingleton<ApiService>(() => ApiService("endpointA"), qualifier: "endpointA");
ddi.registerSingleton<ApiService>(() => ApiService("endpointB"), qualifier: "endpointB");

Feature Flags

When different instances are required based on feature flags or runtime conditions.

ddi.registerSingleton<FeatureService>(() => FeatureService(enabled: true), qualifier: "enabled");
ddi.registerSingleton<FeatureService>(() => FeatureService(enabled: false), qualifier: "disabled");

Platform-Specific Implementations

In scenarios where platform-specific implementations are required, such as different services for Android and iOS, qualifiers can be employed to distinguish between the platform-specific instances.

ddi.registerSingleton<PlatformService>(AndroidService.new, qualifier: "android");
ddi.registerSingleton<PlatformService>(iOSService.new, qualifier: "ios");


Consistent Usage: Maintain consistent usage of qualifiers throughout the codebase to ensure clarity and avoid confusion.

Avoid Overuse: While qualifiers offer powerful customization, avoid overusing them to keep the codebase clean and maintainable.

Type Identifiers: Qualifiers are often implemented using string-based identifiers, which may introduce issues such as typos or potential naming conflicts. To mitigate these concerns, it is highly recommended to utilize enums or constants.

Extra Customization

The DDI Library provides features for customizing the lifecycle of registered instances. These features include postConstruct, decorators, interceptor, canRegister and canDestroy.


The postConstruct callback allows to perform additional setup or initialization after an instance is created. This is particularly useful for executing logic that should run once the instance is ready for use.

Example Usage:

  postConstruct: () {
    // Additional setup logic after MyService instance creation.
    print("MyService instance is ready!");


Decorators provide a way to modify or enhance the behavior of an instance before it is returned. Each decorator is a function that takes the existing instance and returns a modified instance. Multiple decorators can be applied, and they are executed in the order they are specified during registration.

Example Usage:

class ModifiedMyService extends MyService {
  ModifiedMyService(MyService instance) {
    super.value = 'new value';

  decorators: [
    (existingInstance) => ModifiedMyService(existingInstance),
    // Additional decorators can be added as needed.


The Interceptor provides control over the instantiation, retrieval, destruction, and disposal of instances managed by the DDI Library. By creating a custom class that extends DDIInterceptor, you can inject custom logic at various stages of the instance's lifecycle.

Interceptor Methods


  • Invoked after instance creation and before Decorators and PostConstruct mixin.
  • Execute custom logic, Customize or replace the instance by returning a modified instance.


  • Invoked when retrieving an instance.
  • Customize the behavior of the retrieved instance before it is returned.
  • If you change any value, the next time you get this instance, it will be applied again. Be aware that this can lead to unexpected behavior.


  • Invoked when an instance is being destroyed.
  • Allows customization of the instance destruction process.


  • Invoked during the disposal of an instance.
  • Provides an opportunity for customization before releasing resources or performing cleanup.

Example Usage

class CustomInterceptor<BeanT> extends DDIInterceptor<BeanT> {
  BeanT onCreate(BeanT instance) {
    // Logic to customize or replace instance creation.
    return CustomizedInstance();

  BeanT onGet(BeanT instance) {
    // Logic to customize the behavior of the retrieved instance.
    return ModifiedInstance(instance);

  void onDestroy(BeanT instance) {
    // Logic to perform cleanup during instance destruction.
    // This method is optional and can be overridden as needed.

  void onDispose(BeanT instance) {
    // Logic to release resources or perform custom cleanup during instance disposal.
    // This method is optional and can be overridden as needed.


The canRegister parameter is a boolean function that determines whether an instance should be registered. It provides conditional registration based on a specified condition. This is particularly useful for ensuring that only a single instance is registered, preventing issues with duplicated instances.

Example Usage:

  canRegister: () {
    return Platform.isAndroid && MyUserService.isAdmin();
  canRegister: () {
    return Platform.isIOS && MyUserService.isAdmin();
  canRegister: () {
    return !MyUserService.isAdmin();


The canDestroy parameter, is optional and can be set to false if you want to make the registered instance indestructible. When set to false, the instance cannot be removed using the destroy or destroyByType methods.

Example Usage:

// Register an Application instance that is indestructible
  canDestroy: false,


The selector parameter allows for conditional selection when retrieving an instance, providing a way to determine which instance should be used based on specific criteria. The first instance that matches true will be selected; if no instance matches, a BeanNotFoundException will be thrown. The selector requires registration with an interface type, making it particularly useful in scenarios where multiple instances of the same type are registered, but only one needs to be chosen dynamically at runtime based on context.`

Example Usage:

void main() {

   // Registering CreditCardPaymentService with a selector condition
    qualifier: 'creditCard',
    selector: (paymentMethod) => paymentMethod == 'creditCard',

  // Registering PayPalPaymentService with a selector condition
    qualifier: 'paypal',
    selector: (paymentMethod) => paymentMethod == 'paypal',

  // Runtime value to determine the payment method
  const selectedPaymentMethod = 'paypal'; // Could also be 'creditCard'

  // Retrieve the appropriate PaymentService based on the selector condition
  late final paymentService = ddi.get<PaymentService>(
    select: selectedPaymentMethod,

  // Process a payment with the selected service


Modules offer a convenient way to modularize and organize dependency injection configuration in your application. Through the use of the addChildModules and addChildrenModules methods, you can add and configure specific modules, grouping related dependencies and facilitating management of your dependency injection container.

When you execute dispose or destroy for a module, they will be executed for all its children.

Adding a Class

To add a single class to a module to your dependency injection container, you can use the addChildModules method.

  • child: This refers to the type or qualifier of the subclasses that will be part of the module. Note that these are not instances, but rather types or qualifiers.
  • qualifier (optional): This parameter refers to the main class type of the module. It is optional and is used as a qualifier if needed.
// Adding a single module with an optional specific qualifier.
  child: MySubmoduleType, 
  qualifier: 'MyModule',

Adding Multiple Class

To add multiple class to a module at once, you can utilize the addChildrenModules method.

  • child: This refers to the type or qualifier of the subclasses that will be part of the module. Note that these are not instances, but rather types or qualifiers.
  • qualifier (optional): This parameter refers to the main class type of the module. It is optional and is used as a qualifier if needed.
// Adding multiple modules at once.
  child: [MySubmoduleType1, MySubmoduleType2], 
  qualifier: 'MyModule',

With these methods, you can modularize your dependency injection configuration, which can be especially useful in larger applications with complex instance management requirements.

Register With Children Parameter

The children parameter is designed to receive types or qualifiers. This parameter allows you to register multiple classes under a single parent module.

// Adding multiple modules at once.
  () => ParentModule(),
  children: [


Post Construct Mixin

The PostConstruct mixin has been added to provide the ability to execute specific rules after the construction of an instance of the class using it. Its primary purpose is to offer an extension point for additional logic that needs to be executed immediately after an object is created.

By including the PostConstruct mixin in a class and implementing the onPostConstruct() method, you can ensure that this custom logic is automatically executed right after the instantiation of the class.

Example Usage:

class MyClass with PostConstruct {
  final String name;


  void onPostConstruct() {
    // Custom logic to be executed after construction.
    print('Instance of MyClass has been successfully constructed.');
    print('Name: $_name');

Pre Destroy Mixin

The PreDestroy mixin has been created to provide a mechanism for executing specific actions just before an object is destroyed. This mixin serves as a counterpart to the PostConstruct mixin, allowing to define custom cleanup logic that needs to be performed before an object's lifecycle ends.

Example Usage:

class MyClass with PreDestroy {
  final String name;


  void onPreDestroy() {
    // Custom cleanup logic to be executed before destruction.
    print('Instance of MyClass is about to be destroyed.');
    print('Performing cleanup for $name');

void main() {
  // Registering an instance of MyClass
     () => MyClass('Willian'),
  // Destroying the instance (removing it from the container).
  // Output:
  // Instance of MyClass is about to be destroyed.
  // Performing cleanup for Willian

Pre Dispose Mixin

The PreDispose mixin extends the lifecycle management capabilities, allowing custom logic to be executed before an instance is disposed.

Example Usage:

class MyClass with PreDispose {
  final String name;


  void onPreDispose() {
    // Custom cleanup logic to be executed before disposal.
    print('Instance of MyClass is about to be disposed.');
    print('Performing cleanup for $name');

DDIModule Mixin

The DDIModule mixin provides a convenient way to organize and manage your dependency injection configuration within your Dart application. By implementing this mixin in your module classes, you can easily register instances with different scopes and dependencies using the provided methods.

Example Usage:

// Define a module using the DDIModule mixin

class AppModule with DDIModule {
  void onPostConstruct() {
    // Registering instances with different scopes
    registerSingleton(() => Database('main_database'), qualifier: 'mainDatabase');
    registerApplication(() => Logger(), qualifier: 'appLogger');
    registerObject('https://api.example.com', qualifier: 'apiUrl');
    registerDependent(() => ApiService(inject.get(qualifier: 'apiUrl')), qualifier: 'dependentApiService');

DDIInject, DDIInjectAsync and DDIComponentInject Mixins

The DDIInject, DDIInjectAsync and DDIComponentInject mixins are designed to facilitate dependency injection of an instance into your classes. They provide a convenient method to obtain an instance of a specific type from the dependency injection container.

The DDIInject mixin allows for synchronous injection of an instance and DDIInjectAsync mixin allows for asynchronous injection. Both defines a instance property that will be initialized with the InjectType instance obtained.

The DDIComponentInject allows injecting a specific instance using a module as a selector.

Example Usage:

class MyController with DDIInject<MyService> {
  void businessLogic() {

class MyAsyncController with DDIInjectAsync<MyService> {
  Future<void> businessLogic() async {
    final myInstance = await instance;

class MyController with DDIComponentInject<MyComponent, MyModule> {

  void businessLogic() {

DDIEventSender and DDIStreamSender Mixins

The DDIEventSender and DDIStreamSender mixins are designed to simplify the process of sending events and stream values to listeners. They provide a convenient method fire to send the specified value to an event or stream.

The DDIEventSender mixin is used to send events to all registered listeners and the DDIStreamSender mixin is to send stream values. Both defines a fire method that takes the value as a parameter and sends it to all registered listeners.

Example Usage:

class MyEvent with DDIEventSender<String> {
  void businessLogic() {
    fire('Hello World');

class MyStreamEvent with DDIStreamSender<int> {
  void businessLogic() {


Designed for flexibility and efficiency, this system empowers you to seamlessly manage, subscribe to, and respond to events, making it a crucial asset for building reactive and scalable Dart applications.

Creating and Managing Events

The Events follow a straightforward flow. Functions or methods subscribe to specific events using the subscribe method of the DDIEvent class. Events are fired using the fire or fireWait methods, triggering the execution of all subscribed callbacks. Subscribed callbacks are then executed, handling the event data and performing any specified tasks. Subscriptions can be removed using the unsubscribe function.

Subscribing an Event

When subscribing to an event, you have the option to choose from three different types of subscriptions:

  • DDIEvent.instance.subscribe It's the common type, working as a simples callback.
  • DDIEvent.instance.subscribeAsync Runs the callback as a Future.
  • DDIEvent.instance.subscribeIsolate Runs as a Isolate.


The common subscription type, subscribe, functions as a simple callback. It allows you to respond to events in a synchronous manner, making it suitable for most scenarios.

Obs: If you register an event that uses async and await, it Won't be possible to wait even using fireWait. For this scenario, use subscribeAsync.


  • event: The callback function to be executed when the event is fired.
  • qualifier: Optional qualifier name to distinguish between different events of the same type.
  • canRegister: A FutureOr
  • canUnsubscribe: Indicates if the event can be unsubscribe. Ignored if autoRun is used.
  • priority: Priority of the subscription relative to other subscriptions (lower values indicate higher priority). Ignored if autoRun is used.
  • unsubscribeAfterFire: If true, the subscription will be automatically removed after the first time the event is fired. Ignored if autoRun is used.
  • lock: Indicates if the event should be locked. Running only one event simultaneously. Cannot be used in combination with autoRun.
  • onError: The callback function to be executed when an error occurs.
  • onComplete: The callback function to be executed when the event is completed. It's called even if an error occurs.
  • expirationDuration: The duration after which the subscription will be automatically removed.
  • retryInterval: Adds the ability to automatically retry the event after the interval specified.
  • defaultValue: The default value to be used when the event is fired. Required if retryInterval is used.
  • maxRetry: The maximum number of times the subscription will be automatically fired if retryInterval is used.
    • Can be used in combination with autoRun and onError.
    • If maxRetry is 0 and autoRun is true, will run forever.
    • If maxRetry is greater than 0 and autoRun is true, the subscription will be removed when the maximum number of retries is reached.
    • If maxRetry is greater than 0, autoRun is false and onError is used, the subscription will stop retrying when the maximum number is reached.
    • If expirationDuration is used, the subscription will be removed when the first rule is met, either when the expiration duration is reached or when the maximum number of retries is reached.
  • autoRun: If true, the event will run automatically when the subscription is created.
    • Only one event is allowed.
    • canUnsubscribe is ignored.
    • unsubscribeAfterFire is ignored.
    • priority is ignored.
    • Cannot be used in combination with lock.
    • Requires the defaultValue parameter.
    • If maxRetry is 0, will run forever.
  • filter: Allows you to filter events based on their value. Only events when the filter returns true will be fired.
void myEvent(String message) {
    print('Event received: $message');

  qualifier: 'exampleEvent',
  canRegister: () => true,
  canUnsubscribe: true,
  priority: 0
  unsubscribeAfterFire: false,
  lock: false,
  onError: (Object? error, StackTrace stacktrace, String valor){},
  onComplete: (){},
  expirationDuration: const Duration(seconds: 5),
  retryInterval: const Duration(seconds: 4),
  defaultValue: 'defaultValue',
  maxRetry: 1,
  autoRun: false,
  filter: (value) => true,


The subscribeAsync type runs the callback as a Future, allowing for asynchronous event handling. Making it suitable for scenarios where asynchronous execution is needed without waiting for completion. Note that it not be possible to await this type of subscription.

Obs: If you want to await for the event to be completed, fire it using fireWait.

Parameters are the same as for subscribe.

void myEvent(String message) {
    print('Event received: $message');

  qualifier: 'exampleEvent',
  canRegister: () => true,
  canUnsubscribe: true,
  unsubscribeAfterFire: false,
  lock: false,
  onError: (Object? error, StackTrace stacktrace, String valor){},
  onComplete: (){},
  expirationDuration: const Duration(seconds: 5),
  retryInterval: const Duration(seconds: 4),
  defaultValue: 'defaultValue',
  maxRetry: 1,
  autoRun: false,
  filter: (value) => true,


The subscribeIsolate type runs the callback in a separate isolate, enabling concurrent event handling. This is particularly useful for scenarios where you want to execute the event in isolation, avoiding potential interference with the main application flow.

Parameters are the same as for subscribe.

void myEvent(String message) {
    print('Event received: $message');

  qualifier: 'exampleEvent',
  canRegister: () => true,
  canUnsubscribe: true,
  unsubscribeAfterFire: false,
  lock: false,
  onError: (Object? error, StackTrace stacktrace, String valor){},
  onComplete: (){},
  expirationDuration: const Duration(seconds: 5),
  retryInterval: const Duration(seconds: 4),
  defaultValue: 'defaultValue',
  maxRetry: 1,
  autoRun: false,
  filter: (value) => true,

Unsubscribing an Event

To unsubscribe from an event, use the unsubscribe function:

  qualifier: 'exampleEvent',

Firing an Event

To fire an event, use the fire or fireWait function. Using fireWait makes it possible to wait for all events to complete.

  • qualifier: Optional qualifier name to distinguish between different events of the same type.
  • canReplay: A boolean that indicates if the value can undo. The max history allowed is 5 events.
DDIEvent.instance.fire('Hello, Dart DDI!', qualifier: 'exampleEvent', canReplay: false);

await DDIEvent.instance.fireWait('Hello, Dart DDI!', qualifier: 'exampleEvent', canReplay: true);

Undo an Event

The undo method reverts the last fired event if it was marked with canReplay: true. The max history allowed is 5 events.

DDIEvent.instance.undo<EventType>(qualifier: 'exampleEvent');

Redo an Event

The redo method re-executes the last undone event if it exists. This allows users to redo actions that were previously undone.

  • Requires to call undo first.
  • After fire or fireWait, the redo history is cleared.
DDIEvent.instance.redo<EventType>(qualifier: 'exampleEvent');

Clear Event History

The clearHistory method clears the entire history of fired events, removing the ability to undo or redo any prior events.

DDIEvent.instance.clearHistory<EventType>(qualifier: 'exampleEvent');

Get Current Value

The getValue method retrieves the current value of the last event fired. This can be helpful for accessing the state of the last event without firing it again.`

final EventType value = DDIEvent.instance.getValue<EventType>(qualifier: 'exampleEvent');

Events Considerations

When using the Event System, consider the following:

Event Granularity: Design events with appropriate granularity to ensure they represent meaningful actions or states in the application.

Modularity: Keep events and their handlers modular and self-contained.

Single Responsibility: Ensure each event and its handler have a single responsibility.

Possible Problems: Be cautious of potential issues such as race conditions and excessive use of isolate-based event handling, which may impact performance.

Unnecessary Locking: Applying locks to events unnecessarily may hinder the application's responsiveness. Use locking only when essential to prevent conflicting event executions.

Event Looping: Carefully manage scenarios where events trigger further events, as this can lead to infinite loops or excessive event cascades.

See the considerations about Qualifiers.

Use Cases

Application Lifecycle: Manage events related to the application's lifecycle.

Data Synchronization: Handle data synchronization events between local and remote data sources.

Background Task: Coordinate background tasks and events for efficient task execution.

Custom Event Bus: Build a custom event bus for inter-component communication, allowing different parts of the application to communicate without tight coupling.

Notifications: Implement notifications for updates in various parts of the application, such as new messages, alerts, or data changes.


The DDIStream abstract class in serves as a foundation for managing streams efficiently within the application. This class provides methods for subscribing, closing, and firing events through streams. Below are the key features and usage guidelines for the DDIStream abstract class.


Use subscribe to register a callback function that will be invoked when the stream emits a value. This method supports optional qualifiers, conditional registration, and automatic unsubscription after the first invocation.

Subscribes to a stream of type StreamTypeT.

  • callback: A function to be invoked when the stream emits a value.
  • qualifier: An optional qualifier to distinguish between different streams of the same type.
  • canRegister: An optional function to conditionally register the subscription.
  • unsubscribeAfterFire: If true, unsubscribes the callback after it is invoked once.
void subscribe<StreamTypeT extends Object>({
  required void Function(StreamTypeT) callback,
  Object? qualifier,
  bool Function()? canRegister,
  bool unsubscribeAfterFire = false,

Closing Stream

Use close to end the subscription to a specific stream, allowing for efficient resource management.

Closes the subscription to a stream of type StreamTypeT.

  • qualifier: An optional qualifier to distinguish between different streams of the same type.
void close<StreamTypeT extends Object>({Object? qualifier});

Firing Events

Use fire to sends a value into the stream, triggering the subscribed callbacks. You can specify the target stream using the optional qualifier.

Fires a value into the stream of type StreamTypeT.

  • value: The value to be emitted into the stream.
  • qualifier: An optional qualifier to distinguish between different streams of the same type.
void fire<StreamTypeT extends Object>({
  required StreamTypeT value,
  Object? qualifier,

Retrieving Stream

Use getStream to obtain a stream, providing access for further interactions. The optional qualifier allows you to retrieve a specific stream.

Retrieves a stream of type StreamTypeT.

  • qualifier: An optional qualifier to distinguish between different streams of the same type.
Stream<StreamTypeT> getStream<StreamTypeT extends Object>(
    {Object? qualifier});

