CountryProvider class




cacheIsEmpty bool
no setter
cacheIsNotEmpty bool
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


capitalContainsFunc(String capital) → dynamic
capitalFunc(String capital) → dynamic
cleanCache() → dynamic
code2Func(Alpha2Code? code2) → dynamic
code3Func(Alpha3Code? code3) → dynamic
getCountries({dynamic onErrorTryCache = false, dynamic firstCache = false}) Future<BuiltList<Country>?>
getCountriesBy(bool fun(Country), {bool firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Iterable<Country>?>
getCountriesByCapitalContains(String capital, {dynamic firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Iterable<Country>?>
getCountriesByNameContains(String name, {String? lang, dynamic firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Iterable<Country>?>
getCountriesByRegion(String region, {dynamic firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Iterable<Country>?>
getCountriesByRegionContains(String region, {dynamic firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Iterable<Country>?>
getCountriesBySubregion(String subregion, {dynamic firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Iterable<Country>?>
getCountryBy(bool fun(Country), {bool firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Country?>
getCountryByCapital(String capital, {dynamic firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Country?>
getCountryByCode2({Alpha2Code? code2, dynamic firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Country?>
getCountryByCode3({Alpha3Code? code3, dynamic firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Country?>
getCountryByName(String name, {LanguageCode? lang, dynamic firstCache = true, bool onErrorTryCache = false}) Future<Country?>
nameContainsFunc(String name, {String? lang}) → dynamic
nameFunc(String name, {LanguageCode? lang}) → dynamic
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
regionContainsFunc(String region) → dynamic
regionFunc(String region) → dynamic
subregionFunc(String subregion) → dynamic
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.