dart_console library
Console library.
Provides enhanced console capabilities for a CLI application that wants to do more than write plain text to stdout.
Console manipulation
The Console class provides simple methods to control the cursor position, hide the cursor, change the foreground or background color, clear the terminal display, read individual keys without echoing to the terminal, erase text and write aligned text to the screen.
Table display
The Table class allows two-dimensional data sets to be displayed in a tabular form, with headers, custom box characters and line drawing, row and column formatting and manipulation.
The Calendar class displays a monthly calendar, with options for controlling color and whether the current date is highlighted.
Progress Bar
The ProgressBar class presents a progress bar for long-running operations, optionally including a spinner. It supports headless displays (where it is silent), as well as interactive consoles, and can be adjusted for custom presentation.
The class works on any desktop environment that supports ANSI escape characters, and has some fallback capabilities for older versions of Windows that use traditional console APIs.
- BoxGlyphSet
- Calendar
- Console
- A representation of the current console window.
- Coordinate
- A screen position, measured in rows and columns from the top-left origin of the screen. Coordinates are zero-based, and converted as necessary for the underlying system representation (e.g. one-based for VT-style displays).
- Key
- A representation of a keystroke.
- ProgressBar
- A facility for drawing a progress bar in the terminal.
- ScrollbackBuffer
- The ScrollbackBuffer class is a utility for handling multi-line user input in readline(). It doesn't support history editing a la bash, but it should handle the most common use cases.
- Table
- An experimental class for drawing tables. The API is not final yet.
- BorderStyle
- BorderType
- ConsoleColor
- ControlCharacter
- Non-printable characters that can be entered from the keyboard.
- FontStyle
- TextAlignment
- Text alignments for line output.