fetchStopsForLocation function

Future<List<Stop>> fetchStopsForLocation(
  1. String apiKey, {
  2. required double latitude,
  3. required double longitude,
  4. required double radiusMeters,

Fetches bus stops for a specific location.

apiKey is your API key for the WMATA API.

latitude is the center point Latitude of the search area.

longitude is the center point Longitude of the search area.

radiusMeters is the radius, in meters, to include in the search area.


Future<List<Stop>> fetchStopsForLocation(
  String apiKey, {
  required double latitude,
  required double longitude,
  required double radiusMeters,
}) async =>
    await StopSearchService.fetchStops(
      lat: latitude,
      lon: longitude,
      radius: radiusMeters,