StringFormatExtensions extension

String format extensions



isChinese bool
Verifies that the string is composed entirely of Chinese characters. It can be used for validating input meant to be in Chinese without any foreign characters.
no setter
isChineseMobile bool
Determines if the string is a valid Chinese mobile phone number based on the pattern.
no setter
isEmail bool
Checks if the string is in a valid email format.
no setter
isEnglish bool
Checks if the string contains only English alphabet characters (A-Z, a-z). This can be useful for validating names or words that should not include numbers or symbols.
no setter
isNullOrWhiteSpace bool
Checks if the string is either null, empty, or contains only whitespace characters. This is useful for validating input fields where a meaningful string is required.
no setter
isNumeric bool
Determines whether the string consists solely of numeric characters (0-9). This can be used to validate if a string represents a valid integer.
no setter
isValidHex bool
Checks if the string is a valid hexadecimal number.
no setter
isValidUrl bool
Determines whether the string is a valid URL.
no setter