MapExtensions<K, V> extension

Common Map extensions



filterKeys(bool predicate(K key)) Map<K, V>
Filters the map based on a condition applied to its keys.
filterValues(bool predicate(V value)) Map<K, V>
Filters the map based on a condition applied to its values.
getOrDefault(K key, V defaultValue) → V?
Retrieves the value for the specified key from the map. If the key does not exist, returns the provided defaultValue.
getOrNull(K key) → V?
Retrieves the value for the specified key from the map. If the key does not exist, returns null.
invert() Map<V, K>
Inverts the map by swapping its keys and values. Assumes that the values are unique.
merge(Map<K, V> other, V resolve(V v1, V v2)?) Map<K, V>
Merges this map with another other map. For duplicate keys, resolve determines the final value.
toJsonString() String
Converts the map to a JSON string.
toJsonStringWithIndent([int spaces = 2]) String
Converts the map to a formatted JSON string, with specified indentation.