ListExtensions<T> extension

Common list extensions



isEmptyOrNull bool
Checks if the list is empty or only contains null values.
no setter
random → T?
Randomly gets an element from the list. Returns null if the list is empty.
no setter
reversedList List<T>
Returns a new list with the elements in reverse order.
no setter
shuffled List<T>
Shuffles the elements of the list into a random order.
no setter
unique List<T>
Returns a new list containing only the unique elements from the original list.
no setter


addIfNotContains(T element) → void
Adds an element to the list if it does not already contain it.
chunked(int chunkSize) List<List<T>>
Creates subLists of a given size from the list.
firstWhereOrElse(bool test(T), T orElse) → T
Finds the first element matching test, or returns orElse if none match.
firstWhereOrNull(bool test(T)) → T?
Tries to find the first element in the list that matches the given test. Returns null if no such element is found.
groupBy<K>(K keyFunction(T)) Map<K, List<T>>
Groups the elements in the list according to the keyFunction. Returns a map where each key corresponds to a list of elements that share that key.
mapToList<E>(E convert(T)) List<E>
Converts each element in the list to another type using the convert function. Returns a new list containing the converted elements.
removeFirstWhere(bool test(T)) bool
Removes the first element in the list that satisfies the given test. Returns true if an element was removed, otherwise false.
safeElementAt([int? index]) → T?
Safely gets an element from the list at the given index. Returns null if the index is out of bounds.