ClipGlobal class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

isCharEnter(String str, int index) bool
isCharEscape(String str, int index) bool
isCharSpace(String str, int index) bool


charCodeSpace → const int
charFract → const String
charUtf8Yen → const String
codeArray → const int
codeArrayEnd → const int
codeArrayMask → const int
codeArrayTop → const int
codeAutoArray → const int
codeAutoVar → const int
codeCommand → const int
codeConstant → const int
codeEnd → const int
codeExtFunc → const int
codeFunction → const int
codeGlobalArray → const int
codeGlobalVar → const int
codeLabel → const int
codeMask → const int
codeMatrix → const int
codeMultiPrec → const int
codeNull → const int
codeOperator → const int
codeParamAns → const int
codeParamArray → const int
codeProcEnd → const int
codeSe → const int
codeStatement → const int
codeString → const int
codeTop → const int
codeVariable → const int
codeVarMask → const int
commandAngle → const int
commandAns → const int
commandArray → const int
commandArrayCopy → const int
commandArrayFill → const int
commandAssert → const int
commandBase → const int
commandCalculator → const int
commandClear → const int
commandDefine → const int
commandDeg → const int
commandDenom → const int
commandDump → const int
commandEComplex → const int
commandEFloat → const int
commandEnum → const int
commandError → const int
commandFComplex → const int
commandFFloat → const int
commandFMultiPrec → const int
commandFps → const int
commandFTime → const int
commandGClear → const int
commandGColor → const int
commandGComplex → const int
commandGFill → const int
commandGFloat → const int
commandGGet → const int
commandGGet24 → const int
commandGLine → const int
commandGlobal → const int
commandGMove → const int
commandGPut → const int
commandGPut24 → const int
commandGrad → const int
commandGText → const int
commandGTextL → const int
commandGTextLR → const int
commandGTextR → const int
commandGUpdate → const int
commandGWorld → const int
commandGWorld24 → const int
commandHTime → const int
commandIFract → const int
commandImag → const int
commandIMultiPrec → const int
commandInclude → const int
commandLabel → const int
commandLocal → const int
commandLocaltime → const int
commandLog → const int
commandLogscale → const int
commandMat → const int
commandMFract → const int
commandMTime → const int
commandNamespace → const int
commandNoLogscale → const int
commandNull → const int
commandNum → const int
commandParam → const int
commandParametric → const int
commandParams → const int
commandParent → const int
commandPlot → const int
commandPolar → const int
commandPrec → const int
commandPrint → const int
commandPrintLn → const int
commandPType → const int
commandRad → const int
commandRadix → const int
commandReal → const int
commandRectangular → const int
commandReplot → const int
commandScan → const int
commandSChar → const int
commandSInt → const int
commandSLong → const int
commandSprint → const int
commandSrand → const int
commandSShort → const int
commandSTime → const int
commandStrCat → const int
commandStrCpy → const int
commandStrLwr → const int
commandStrUpr → const int
commandTrans → const int
commandUChar → const int
commandUInt → const int
commandULong → const int
commandUndef → const int
commandUnuse → const int
commandUse → const int
commandUShort → const int
commandVar → const int
commandWarn → const int
commandWFill → const int
commandWGet → const int
commandWindow → const int
commandWLine → const int
commandWMove → const int
commandWPut → const int
commandWText → const int
commandWTextL → const int
commandWTextLR → const int
commandWTextR → const int
defFps → const double
defMode → const int
defMPPrec → const int
defMPRound → const int
defPrec → const int
defRadix → const int
errAssert → const int
error → const int
errStart → const int
errToken → const int
funcA2D → const int
funcA2G → const int
funcA2R → const int
funcAbs → const int
funcAcos → const int
funcAcosh → const int
funcArg → const int
funcAsin → const int
funcAsinh → const int
funcAtan → const int
funcAtan2 → const int
funcAtanh → const int
funcCall → const int
funcCeil → const int
funcCol → const int
funcColGetB → const int
funcColGetG → const int
funcColGetR → const int
funcConjg → const int
funcCos → const int
funcCosh → const int
funcD2A → const int
funcD2G → const int
funcD2R → const int
funcDefined → const int
funcDenom → const int
funcEval → const int
funcExp → const int
funcExp10 → const int
funcFact → const int
funcFloor → const int
funcFrexp → const int
funcG2A → const int
funcG2D → const int
funcG2R → const int
funcGColor → const int
funcGColor24 → const int
funcGCX → const int
funcGCY → const int
funcGGet → const int
funcGHeight → const int
funcGWidth → const int
funcGX → const int
funcGY → const int
funcImag → const int
funcIndexOf → const int
funcInt → const int
funcIsInf → const int
funcIsNan → const int
funcLdexp → const int
funcLn → const int
funcLog → const int
funcLog10 → const int
funcMkColor → const int
funcMkColors → const int
funcMkTime → const int
funcModf → const int
funcMP → const int
funcMRound → const int
funcNorm → const int
funcNum → const int
funcPolar → const int
funcPow → const int
funcR2A → const int
funcR2D → const int
funcR2G → const int
funcRand → const int
funcReal → const int
funcRow → const int
funcSin → const int
funcSinh → const int
funcSqr → const int
funcSqrt → const int
funcStrCmp → const int
funcStrICmp → const int
funcStrLen → const int
funcTan → const int
funcTanh → const int
funcTime → const int
funcTmHour → const int
funcTmMDay → const int
funcTmMin → const int
funcTmMon → const int
funcTmSec → const int
funcTmWDay → const int
funcTmXMon → const int
funcTmXYear → const int
funcTmYDay → const int
funcTmYear → const int
funcTrans → const int
funcWCX → const int
funcWCY → const int
funcWGet → const int
funcWX → const int
funcWY → const int
graphModeParam → const int
graphModePolar → const int
graphModeRect → const int
invalidArrayIndex → const int
labelMovable → const int
labelUnused → const int
labelUsed → const int
loopCont → const int
loopErr → const int
loopErrCommand → const int
loopErrNull → const int
loopErrStat → const int
loopStop → const int
maxRadix → const int
minMPPrec → const int
minPrec → const int
minRadix → const int
modeComplex → const int
modeEComplex → const int
modeEFloat → const int
modeFComplex → const int
modeFFloat → const int
modeFloat → const int
modeFMultiPrec → const int
modeFract → const int
modeFTime → const int
modeGComplex → const int
modeGFloat → const int
modeHTime → const int
modeIFract → const int
modeIMultiPrec → const int
modeInt → const int
modeMask → const int
modeMFract → const int
modeMTime → const int
modeMultiPrec → const int
modeSChar → const int
modeSLong → const int
modeSShort → const int
modeSTime → const int
modeTime → const int
modeUChar → const int
modeULong → const int
modeUShort → const int
noErr → const int
opAdd → const int
opAddAndAss → const int
opAnd → const int
opAndAndAss → const int
opAss → const int
opComma → const int
opComplement → const int
opConditional → const int
opDecrement → const int
opDiv → const int
opDivAndAss → const int
opEqual → const int
opFact → const int
opGreat → const int
opGreatOrEq → const int
opIncrement → const int
opLess → const int
opLessOrEq → const int
opLogAnd → const int
opLogOr → const int
opMinus → const int
opMod → const int
opModAndAss → const int
opMul → const int
opMulAndAss → const int
opNot → const int
opNotEqual → const int
opOr → const int
opOrAndAss → const int
opPlus → const int
opPostfixDec → const int
opPostfixInc → const int
opPow → const int
opPowAndAss → const int
opShiftL → const int
opShiftLAndAss → const int
opShiftR → const int
opShiftRAndAss → const int
opSub → const int
opSubAndAss → const int
opUnaryEnd → const int
opXor → const int
opXorAndAss → const int
procDefGUpdateFlag → const bool
procDefParentMode → const int
procDefParentMPPrec → const int
procDefParentMPRound → const int
procDefPrintAssert → const bool
procDefPrintWarn → const bool
procEnd → const int
procErr → const int
procErrArray → const int
procErrAss → const int
procErrCall → const int
procErrCommandDefine → const int
procErrCommandNull → const int
procErrCommandParam → const int
procErrCommandParams → const int
procErrCommandRadix → const int
procErrCommandUndef → const int
procErrComplex → const int
procErrConditional → const int
procErrConstant → const int
procErrEval → const int
procErrExtFunc → const int
procErrFract → const int
procErrFuncOpen → const int
procErrFuncParaCode → const int
procErrFuncParaNum → const int
procErrFunction → const int
procErrLValue → const int
procErrMultiPrec → const int
procErrOperator → const int
procErrRValue → const int
procErrRValueNull → const int
procErrSeBreak → const int
procErrSeContinue → const int
procErrSeLoopCont → const int
procErrSeLoopEnd → const int
procErrSeNull → const int
procErrSeOperand → const int
procErrStatBreak → const int
procErrStatContinue → const int
procErrStatEnd → const int
procErrStatEndFunc → const int
procErrStatEndIf → const int
procErrStatEndSwi → const int
procErrStatEndWhile → const int
procErrStatForCon → const int
procErrStatForExp → const int
procErrStatFunc → const int
procErrStatFuncName → const int
procErrStatFuncNest → const int
procErrStatFuncParam → const int
procErrStatIf → const int
procErrStatLoop → const int
procErrStatNext → const int
procErrStatSwitch → const int
procErrStatUntil → const int
procErrString → const int
procErrUnary → const int
procErrUserFunc → const int
procSubEnd → const int
procWarn → const int
procWarnAcos → const int
procWarnAcosh → const int
procWarnArray → const int
procWarnAsin → const int
procWarnAtanh → const int
procWarnDeadToken → const int
procWarnDiv → const int
procWarnFunction → const int
procWarnLog → const int
procWarnLog10 → const int
procWarnOverflow → const int
procWarnReturn → const int
procWarnSeReturn → const int
procWarnSqrt → const int
procWarnUnderflow → const int
seAdd → const int
seAddA → const int
seAddS → const int
seAddSA → const int
seAnd → const int
seAndA → const int
seBreak → const int
seComplement → const int
seConditional → const int
seContinue → const int
seDecrement → const int
seDiv → const int
seDivA → const int
seEqual → const int
seEqualA → const int
seFunc → const int
seGreat → const int
seGreatA → const int
seGreatOrEq → const int
seGreatOrEqA → const int
seIncrement → const int
seLess → const int
seLessA → const int
seLessOrEq → const int
seLessOrEqA → const int
seLogAnd → const int
seLogAndA → const int
seLogOr → const int
seLogOrA → const int
seLoopCont → const int
seLoopEnd → const int
seLoopEndDec → const int
seLoopEndEq → const int
seLoopEndEqDec → const int
seLoopEndEqInc → const int
seLoopEndInc → const int
seLoopStart → const int
seMinus → const int
seMod → const int
seModA → const int
seMul → const int
seMulA → const int
seNegative → const int
seNot → const int
seNotEqual → const int
seNotEqualA → const int
seNull → const int
seOr → const int
seOrA → const int
sePow → const int
sePowA → const int
seReturn → const int
seReturnAns → const int
seSaturate → const int
seSet → const int
seSetC → const int
seSetF → const int
seSetFalse → const int
seSetM → const int
seSetS → const int
seSetTrue → const int
seSetZero → const int
seShiftL → const int
seShiftLA → const int
seShiftR → const int
seShiftRA → const int
seSub → const int
seSubA → const int
seSubS → const int
seSubSA → const int
seXor → const int
seXorA → const int
statAssert → const int
statBreak → const int
statBreak2 → const int
statBreakSwi → const int
statCase → const int
statCont → const int
statContinue → const int
statContinue2 → const int
statDefault → const int
statDo → const int
statElIf → const int
statElse → const int
statEnd → const int
statEndDec → const int
statEndEq → const int
statEndEqDec → const int
statEndEqInc → const int
statEndFunc → const int
statEndIf → const int
statEndInc → const int
statEndSwi → const int
statEndWhile → const int
statFor → const int
statFor2 → const int
statFunc → const int
statIf → const int
statLoopEnd → const int
statMultiEnd → const int
statNext → const int
statReturn → const int
statReturn2 → const int
statReturn3 → const int
statStart → const int
statSwitch → const int
statUntil → const int
statWhile → const int