TypeIdentifier.fromNameAndLibraryPath constructor

  1. required String typeName,
  2. required String? libraryPath,


factory TypeIdentifier.fromNameAndLibraryPath({
  required String typeName,
  required String? libraryPath,
}) {
  if (_libraryPathToPackageInfoCache.containsKey(libraryPath)) {
    final cachedPackageInfo = _libraryPathToPackageInfoCache[libraryPath];
    return TypeIdentifier(
      typeName: typeName,
      packageName: cachedPackageInfo!.item1,
      packageRelativeLibraryPath: cachedPackageInfo.item2,
  if (libraryPath == null) {
    return TypeIdentifier(
      typeName: typeName,
      packageName: '',
      packageRelativeLibraryPath: '',
  // search for the nearest pubspec
  final normalizedLibraryPath = path.normalize(path.dirname(libraryPath));
  final pubCacheDir = PubInteraction.pubCacheDir;
  final pathParts = path.split(normalizedLibraryPath);
  String? pubspecDirectoryPath;
  for (var i = pathParts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    final currentPath = path.joinAll(pathParts.sublist(0, i + 1));
    if (path.absolute(pubCacheDir) == path.absolute(currentPath)) {
      // safety measure #1: we don't want to leave the pub cache if libraryPath happens to be there
    if (pathParts[i] == 'dart-sdk') {
      // safety measure #2: we don't want to leave the dart cache if libraryPath happens to be there
    final currentPubspecPath = path.join(currentPath, 'pubspec.yaml');
    if (File(currentPubspecPath).existsSync()) {
      pubspecDirectoryPath = currentPath;
  if (pubspecDirectoryPath == null) {
    // we can't find a pubspec.yaml => we consider this to be a framework type
    final assumedPackageName = path.basenameWithoutExtension(libraryPath);
    _libraryPathToPackageInfoCache[libraryPath] = Tuple2(
    return TypeIdentifier(
      typeName: typeName,
      packageName: assumedPackageName,
      packageRelativeLibraryPath: '',
  // get package name from pubspec
  final pubspecContent = File(path.join(pubspecDirectoryPath, 'pubspec.yaml'))
  final pubspec = Pubspec.parse(pubspecContent);
  final packageName = pubspec.name;
  // get package relative library path
  final packageRelativeLibraryPath =
      path.relative(libraryPath, from: pubspecDirectoryPath);

  _libraryPathToPackageInfoCache[libraryPath] = Tuple2(

  return TypeIdentifier(
    typeName: typeName,
    packageName: packageName,
    packageRelativeLibraryPath: packageRelativeLibraryPath,