runDartOrFlutterCommand static method

Future runDartOrFlutterCommand(
  1. String forDirectory, {
  2. List<String> args = const [],
  3. StdoutSession? stdoutSession,

runs the dart or flutter command with the given args. The decision which command to run is taken from the pubspeck.yaml file in forDirectory


static Future runDartOrFlutterCommand(
  String forDirectory, {
  List<String> args = const [],
  StdoutSession? stdoutSession,
}) async {
  final pubspecPath = path.join(forDirectory, 'pubspec.yaml');
  final pubspecExists = await File(pubspecPath).exists();
  if (!pubspecExists) {
    throw RunDartError(
        'Error running pub get in $forDirectory:\nThis is not a valid dart package directory');
  final yamlContent = await File(pubspecPath).readAsString();
  final pubSpec = Pubspec.parse(yamlContent);
  if (!pubSpec.dependencies.containsKey('flutter')) {
    return _runDartOrFlutterCommand(
      workingDirectory: forDirectory,
      args: args,
      stdoutSession: stdoutSession,
  } else {
    final flutterExecutablePath = await _findFlutterExecutablePath();
    if (flutterExecutablePath == null) {
        'Unable to find matching Flutter executable. Using system Flutter executable...',
        extras: {
          'dart executable': _getDartExecutablePath(),
    return _runDartOrFlutterCommand(
      flutterExecutablePath ?? 'flutter',
      workingDirectory: forDirectory,
      args: args,
      stdoutSession: stdoutSession,
      runInShell: flutterExecutablePath == null,