getPackagePathInCache static method
returns the cache path of a package with the given packageName
and version
if version
is null the latest version is used
static String getPackagePathInCache(String packageName, String? version) {
version ??= getLatestVersionInCacheFor(packageName).toString();
String? findHostedDirectory(List<String> hostedUrls) {
for (final hostedUrl in hostedUrls) {
final packagePath = path.join(hostedUrl, '$packageName-$version');
if (Directory(packagePath).existsSync()) {
return packagePath;
return null;
final cacheDir = pubCacheDir;
final hostedDir = path.join(cacheDir, 'hosted');
List<String> hostedDirs = [];
if (Directory(hostedDir).existsSync()) {
.map((entity) => entity.path)
.forEach((path) {
if (Directory(path).existsSync()) {
final envHostedUrl = Platform.environment['PUB_HOSTED_URL'];
final envHosted =
envHostedUrl == null ? null : Uri.parse(envHostedUrl).host;
final List<String> hostPriorities = [
// first check PUB_HOSTED_URL from environment variable if set
if (envHosted != null) envHosted,
// Flutter 3.7 changed the name of the directory => first test the old one, then the new one
for (final hostPriority in hostPriorities) {
final matchingHostedDirs =
hostedDirs.where((dir) => dir.startsWith(hostPriority)).toList();
final foundPackagePath = findHostedDirectory(matchingHostedDirs);
if (foundPackagePath != null) {
return foundPackagePath;
return findHostedDirectory(hostedDirs)!;